Chapter 21: Getting to Know Each Other

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(Y/N)'s eyes widened as that new kid came into the room and was introduced by Professor Goodwitch. He grumbled under his breath, as he was suspicious of "Kong".

Glynda: Mr. Rose...

He snapped out of his trance as he looked at the professor who was staring at him along with Kong, both looking fairly irritated.

(Y/N): Yes?

Glynda: Would you mind if Kong sat with your team for today

(Y/N)'s eyes met Kongs for a brief moment. Their eyes were both filled with the same amount of fiery rage as they stared at each other. (Y/N) quickly looked back at the professor and gave her his answer.

(Y/N): Sure

Glynda: Alright, Kong go sit down

Kong: Thank you, professor

Kong walked over and sat down next to (Y/N). Everyone could feel the rage radiating off of them, they didn't need verbal confirmation to know that they didn't like each other.

Glynda: Now, would anyone like to volunteer for this spar

Almost immediately, (Y/n) and Kong raised their hands, at the exact same time. They looked at each other shocked for a moment but looked away angrily.

Glynda: Alright, (Y/N), Kong, please come down to the arena.

Both males walked down to the arena and got into fighting positions as they prepared to fight. Then, the buzzer went off, signaling the beginning of the fight

(Y/N) charged forwards and tried to take a swipe at Kong, Kong struck first and punched him in the face. The punch sent (Y/N) stumbling back a few feet, dazed. As Kong approached him, (Y/N) reared back up and slapped him in the face. The slap sent him flying onto his back, (Y/N) tried to pin him to the ground but Kong got back up and shoulder charged him into the wall of the arena. Once (Y/N) was knocked into the wall, Kong smashed both his fists into his face. This caused (Y/N) to blast Kong in the face with atomic breath. Kong went flying back into the other wall. Kong got up and growled at (Y/N), revealing his canine fangs, (Y/N) did the same, showing his sharp teeth. Kong then reached on his back and pulled out what looked like a large stick, but then Kong pressed a button on the handle which revealed the blades of the weapon, revealing it to be an axe. But what shocked (Y/N) and his team was that the blades of the weapon were one of (Y/N)'s dorsal spines,

(Y/N): H-how did you get that?

Kongs response was just a growl as he charged at (Y/N), all of a sudden Kong was enveloped in a purple light. (Y/N) looked over to see Goodwitch was using her magic to keep him in place.

Glynda: I think that's enough. Both of you

(Y/N) and Kong: Yes Ma'am

Glynda: i believe...that is all for class today.

The Titan who was once a Rose (Male Godzilla Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now