This way
On this street
People are busy contemplating
Considering their daily lives
Looking here and there
The silence that accompanies
Until depression that leads to frustrationOn this road
Many people die
Die slowly in silence
Die on purpose because no one gives
In fact they cry
In the depths of their heartsJanuary 3, 2021
Terminal Shop
Aku yang tak sengaja masuk
Yang tak pernah berniat sebelumnya
Bahkan, tak pernah tau akan ruko ini
Tempat yang pengap dan berkabut
Kukira, kabut hanya ada dipagi hari
Ternyata, malam hari seperti ini pun ada
Setelah usai urusannya
Aku keluar dari dimensi kabut ruko itu
Kukira, pengap itu akan hilang
Nyatanya, ditempat lain pun sama
Pengap dan berkabut.4 Januari 2021
Cebol yang lucu
Slightly long curly hair
Tightly bound by softness
A slightly stocky body
And hands that are always clenched He is like a handsome Heroic
hero He is also very charming With a million insights To me, he is not an ordinary thing But, extraordinary among many people Because, his cheerful and Its subtlety is able to melt the corals of the ocean . Here, it will always be ready for you . For the cute dwarf.January 5, 2021
Stuffy Room
In this stuffy room
I'm trapped in the dark
I've been trying to innovate ever since
But it's not getting any results
In this stuffy room
I'm locked up
Tied to silence
Abandoned, then lonely
I scream to myself in the dark
Free me from this stuffy room
I'm not a scholar
I don't have a professor title either
I'm just trying to innovate
That's an innovation without patterns and methods
Because actually, I'm not good at strategy
Majalengka, Friday 26 March 2021
Mudah-Mudahan Puisi
PoetryIni hanya sekedar coretan yang mungkin tak bermakna apa-apa bagi kalian, karena ini hanya ungkapan pikiran yang aku tuangkan dalam bentuk narasi.