«Chapter 2- Deadly trial»

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«Hajime Hinata?»
We walk to the mountain, carved with Monokuma heads. A huge staircase explodes from the mouth, leading into the dark depths of the mountain, bloody blue in the sunlight.
Our first class trial is about to begin.

"Will you make the right choice? Or the dreadfully wrong one!"
Monokuma laughs in his searingly high voice. His teeth are as sharp and shiny as daggers.
"What are we supposed to start with? None of us are detectives!" A boy name Teruteru squeals.
"Why don't you start with the murder weapon?" Monokuma giggles.
"Oh wow, that's a hard one." Fuyuhiko snorts. "What about the bloody wall she was laying by? The killer must have s l a m m e d h e r h e a d i n t o t h e w a l l-

No, that's wrong!

🆃🆁🆄🆃🅷 🅱🆄🅻🅻🅴🆃- Head injury

"Mikan, Nagito and I looked at her head." I explain. "The head wound was too thin- she must have hit her head on the shelf."
"Then why would the killer move the body? What was the point?" Peko Pekoyama adds, her voice as cold and measured as metal.
"They must have wanted to move the boxes around the body, in an attempt to hide it." Nagito adds from the other side of the room.
"Well that was absolutely stupid. We found it straight away." Hiyoko giggles. "This person must be pretty stupid. It's probably Kazuichi."
"Please stop getting sidetracked. Honestly, it's like talking to a group of children." Byakuya barks. "The murderer was obviously trying to hide the body, although shoddily, so we wouldn't find it. We would have assumed Sonia had drowned or ran away."
"Ok, that information is pretty useless. "We need to find the murderer. Are you saying we have no clues?" Mahiru yells. "T h e r e's  n o  e v I d e n c e-"

No, that's wrong!

🆃🆁🆄🆃🅷 🅱🆄🅻🅻🅴🆃 🅰🅳🅳🅴🅳- small bloody handprint

"We found a hand print, actually. It was smeared though." There's no need to blame Mikan- I can't incriminate her. "It was quite small- probably a girls' hand."
"So that rules me out?!" Teruteru yells excitedly. "Yay!"
"Not really... you have small hands!" Ibuki yelps.
"I can't believe our investigation has dissolved into talking about hands..." groans Akane. She turns to me and stares with her brown eyes hard as rock. "How do you know it was a handprint, anyway? It could be a smeared drop of blood, or a shoe print."
"It was on one of the boxes. And it was obviously a handprint."
"How do you know? Who else saw it?" She goes on. Her fists are clenched on her podium. She slams them down sharply. "We gotta find out who killed Sonia!" She screams.
"Chiaki, Mikan and Nagito all saw it." I feel myself start sweating. Akane's powerful arms look like they could crush my skull like a watermelon.
"Ok, let's agree it was a handprint, before we squabble anymore." Byakuya takes over seamlessly. "So, it was a person with smallish hands. I t c o u l d b e a n y o n e-

No, that's wrong!


"The boxes were really heavy. They'd have to be-"
"Don't interrupt me." Byakuya straightens up, teeth clenched. "Are you stupid enough to have forgotten? What is they were working with an accomplice?"
"Yeah-" Chiaki speaks up for the first time. "There were large spots of blood on Sonia's shoulders- like she'd been picked up and moved. If there was a small handprint there, what explains those large handprints?"
Crap! I can feel my argument cracking in my hands- they're not going to believe me. All the proof has gone out of the window!
"Ok, then let's assume there is a person working with the killer. When would they have planned it out? We all went to bed at 10:00-"
"Except for you and Nagito." Fuyuhiko snarls. "You two have been acting really suspicious."
"And Gundham and Kazuichi! Are you that dumb?" Hiyoko snaps back.
"So that's 4 people... all capable of lifting those boxes... it has to be one of them!" Ibuki yells.
No no no no. They all suspect me. How can I prove it wasn't us?
"Before we jump to conclusions, let's just work out timings." I try not to stammer. "The Monokuma file says she was killed at 6:30 am. We found her at 7:00 am, one hour later. Did anyone see Sonia?"
"Yes, I did." We all turn around and stare at Chiaki. "We talked at around 6:00. She was going to the storage room. It was the last time I ever saw her..." Chiaki looks at the floor.
"So did I, while I was on watch. I can confirm that." Gundham growls.
"That confirms there was two people working together!" Ibuki sings. "Because they would not have enough time to move all those boxes in half an hour! Ibuki is so smart!"
"Yes, so it's two people working together. That makes Kazuichi, Gundham, Nagito and you more suspicious." Byakuya adds.
"But why would Gundham tell us about seeing Sonia? I don't think it's him OR Kazuichi. He liked Sonia!" Mahiru snaps.
"Yeah! I would never kill anybody!" Kazuichi interjected. "It has to be Hajime and Nagito!
"Man, I knew that creep was suspicious from the start." Nekomaru growls.
"It's n-n-not them! I swear!" Mikan splutters, tears edging her eyes.
I look over at Komeada- he looks perfectly calm, his pale body perfectly still.
"Well, I have proof to prove I am not the killer-

and I know who is."

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it so far! Who do you think is the killer? I hope it isn't too obvious!

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