«Chapter 4- Junko's final bow»

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Tw for vomiting

«I̵̢͉͍̻̩͕̳͔̟͔̺̮͂̔͑̐͐̾͘͝ ̷̨̛̱̱̱̗̬̙̮̹̺̹̤͂͑͌̍̿̏̑̎̂͂̅͊͘d̴̛̟͍͕̬̘͍͔̘̭̍̍̓̿̈́̌͊̍͒̐͌͆͒͛́͝͠o̷̡̡̮̹̖͔͖͚̮̾͂́̈́̽̓̒̋͘͘͘͜ņ̶̡̛̣̻͇͈̺͖͉̘͍̙͔̣͙̳̹̼͈̬̰͌̎̋͑̿̈́̅̈́̾̍͋̄͘̕'̷̥̠͉͇̝͖̥̍͊̄́̒̃͌̂́͛͒͗t̵͔̼̖̼͚̘̭̮̝͉̱̭͙̘̟̤̦͙̗̽́͌̈́̏͜͜͝͝͝͝ ̸̛̞̥͈̭̫͈̫̈́̇͒̅̀͋̋̑̃̄̀̈̋̕͠͝͝ͅḳ̸̅̏̔̄͑̏̽̒̈́̅͌̈́̋̓̆̒̎̚̚͝͠ñ̴̡̨̜̼̟̮̪̩̼͓̇͋̃̄̕͜o̶̯̺̞̖̫͕̞͇͗͆̆̍͑̅̉̚ẇ̴̛̱̤͙͈̲̻̩̬̞̄̅͜͜.̷̧̨̥̗̫̺̭̩̳̫̝̥͔̺͗̄̅̍͋͐̇̃̈̐͑̿̋̉̂̌͠.̸̛͇͉̈́͋͌̓̓.̵̢̢̨̻̠̬̟̩̲͔̙̰̯̤̝̩̜̐̋͋͆̐̈́̏̃͗̂̈̽͜ͅ»

My head rings with noise, my body crumpled on the floor. I open my eyes, making eye contact with a pair of black boots and tight red laces.
"Junko?" I cough, scrambling to a seating position.
"YUP! It's me! And you must be Izuru Kamakura!" I feel a hand on my shoulder, manicured nails digging into my flesh and dragging me upwards. 
My eyes sting as they slide over a pair of bloody-blue eyes, my mouth filling with bile.
I recognise this face.
I recognise what she's done, a deep, primal instinct that corrodes all rationality.
"You." I hiss, leaping backwards.
"Why are you being so mean to me, Izuru?" She sobs, grabbing her bunches. "You make me sooooo sad. I'm just a widdle k-"
"Speak properly or not at all." A loud voice rings out behind me.
Byakuya, Peko, Gundham, Hiyoko, Chiaki and Ibuki stand behind me, all glaring at Junko. My heart swells with relief.
"Guys, are you ok?" I ask, taking in Byakuya's seared and ripped suit, Gundham and Hiyoko's soaked hair, the cuts and bruises littering every face.
"Sorry to, like, interrupt our cute little reunion here, but we need to get on with the class TRIAL! Ugh, COME ON!" Junko squeals.
"We're fine. We're ready." Snarls Peko, stepping towards her podium.
My hands trace over the wood. The courtroom is painted neon pink, symbols and flashing text glitching over the walls. Junko reclines on a throne above us all, staring down at us like we're her next meal, protected by a huge podium stretching around her. Her body seems translucent, almost transparent, and every now and then her movements slow and drag, almost like she's lagging.
"How are we going to do the trial? Nobodies been murdered." Gundham complains.
"Well, my dear friend, this trial IS the murder." Junko leaps up, planting one foot on the podium. "THE MURDER OF YOUR HOPE!" She shrieks, laughing violently, her body flashing and glitching.
The word sends shivers down my spine, thinking immediately of him.
"We won't fall into despair!" I yell up at her, but my words seem hollow, the sound of faked courage ricocheting of the walls.
I don't even know who I am anymore. If this is all a simulation, who will I be outside of here? Izuru or Hajime or someone else? Something else?
"Shush, kiddies! I need to explain the rules of the game." Junko whipped out a pair of glasses and slapped them onto her face. "I will tell you all about your past life, and at the end you can choose to remain in the picturesquely scenic Dohrnii island, or go into the real world." The glasses flew off again as she shook her sickly pink curls. "Let's get to it!"
"I already remembered my past." I argue. Some of it, anyway.
"What do you mean, remembered?" Hisses Byakuya, turning towards me. "You didn't remember before?"
Eyes slide over me.
"I..." I can almost feel Junko about to leap up and spill my secret. "I couldn't remember anything when I arrived here, not even my own name. My real name is Izuru Kamakura, I think. Hajime Hinata... it's a made up name." Everyone's face ripples in shock.
"You were lying?! This entire time?!" Chiaki yells.
"Stop." Peko places a hand on her shoulder. "We can't argue. Let's just begin the trial."
"ALRIGHT! Can't argue with that bestie!" Junko grins. "Now, let's start-
"Alright! If any one of you votes to remain here, you all will be trapped in the simulation!" She beams. "For life! Anyways, you all remember being accepted to Hope's Peak, right?"
We all nod in unison.
"Well, you actually were there for 2 WHOLE YEARS! Crazy, right? You were all there, except Hajime, of course. He was in reserve course, with no talent. So sad. You were all happy happy happy- until I turned up! And I brainwashed you!"
"What?" Ibuki shrieks. "How?"
"Well, first let's explain Izuru/Hajime. Izuru was asked to take part in an experiment- an experiment that would give him everything talent ever! And he took it!"
"I did that? I was an experiment?" My stomach churns as I stare at my hands. My hands, my hands, but what if they'd never been my hands? My entire body could be different.
"Yup! And you guys, well I kidnapped you and... executed Mikan!"
The atmosphere is electric. Everyone erupts into anger, fear, despair, despair, despair.
"Mikan is dead?!" Ibuki covers her mouth with her hand, her body shaking.
"YEEHAW! Her death turned you all towards despair! You became cannibals, murderers- you even plucked out my body parts and replaced them with yours!"
"Stop... please, I'm gonna be sick!" Hiyoko splutters.
"Nagito took my hand... Fuyuhiko took my eye... Akane took my teeth...Sonia even took my ovaries! Yuck!"
There's a horrible choking sound as Chiaki vomits onto the floor beside me.
"And we created ultimate despair! The world was in chaos- and I hosted an amazing killing game..." Junko's face turns pensive. "And I died... my own sister killed me... and they created the future foundation. They popped you into these little pods and tried to turn you good again! Welp, I'm done!" She slumps back on her throne. "Make your decision."
"Mikan is dead... everyone is evil... we should all stay in here." Hiyoko mumbles.
"We were monsters." Chiaki sobs.
I realise that was my voice.
"We can't fall into despair again. Remember the future. The future foundation can help us. If we give up, we've wasted all our chances." I slam down my fists on the podium. "We have to believe..." Nagito's face floats in front of my face. "In HOPE."
"He's right for once." Byakuya smiles. "We have to choose hope."
"We all vote against you, Junko." Gundham yells. "Divine judgement awaits you!"
"What?! Why?!" Junko squeals. "I can't die again! No!"
As her tantrum continues, a voice rings out.
The courtroom glows with impossible light, and my body rises up.

"It's t-t-time to escape Dohrnii island

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"It's t-t-time to escape Dohrnii island.


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