«So...what happens next?»

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2479 WORDS
anyway- enjoy!

«Sonia Nevermind»

Akane's hands grab my head, forcing me back against the wall.
"Chiaki... CHIAKI!" I scream, my arms and legs flailing, but Akane's hand bores into my head, and I slam backward into...
death? I don't think I died. I don't think this is death, is it?
My body melts, disintegrates as I fall backwards, as light as a memory, and I finally awake.
"Hmm..." I shake myself awake, my arms and legs caught in the hospital sheets. Instantly, I'm met with a barrage of grey: grey walls, grey ceiling, grey bed, grey clothes- even my skin has a grey sheen of sickness. I only left the simulation yesterday, so I suppose-
"Breakfast!" I pull myself into a seating position as a black-haired man wheels in a cart of pancakes and milk. It's not exactly Novoslevic battencakes, but my stomach rumbles despite this.
"Oh, Sonia, you also have this note." The man gives me a piece of crumpled paper.
I unfold the note curiously, my breakfast abandoned, and read the first line.
Dear Sonia...

«Akane Owari»

My first request after waking up was a pen and paper.
For once, I didn't gravitate towards food- my stomach is so twisted with guilt I couldn't eat a thing.
I chew the marker in my hands, trying to think of the next sentence. How do you apologise to the person you killed?
"Just write what you're thinking." The girl beside me prompts, tucking a strand of her amethyst hair behind her ear.
I press the marker against the page, then jolt back as a spot of red blooms on the page like a dandelion.
"Mrs Ludenburg, I don't know what to write..." I groan. She laughs softly.
"You know, you can just call me Kyoko. Just write what you're thinking. I doesn't have to make sense." She explains cautiously.
"Ok..." I start writing, my handwriting an ugly scrawl.
You don't have to forgive me, but I just wanted to write to you to say sorry. You don't have to forgive me. Im very sorry for what I did, and I hope we can be friends
I pause again, and eventually add the word

«Teruteru Hanamaru»

"Alright, here's the kitchen then. Can you stop bugging me now?" Miss Togami grumbles, pushing open the door.
The scents of the kitchen fill my exhausted body with energy. I rush to the worktop, opening drawers, rifling through cabinets. Although I've only seen 2 rooms- my room and the kitchen- the facility were being housed in seems to be very industrial: grey, metal, steel. I miss my mother's kitchen, the warmth and softness of the homemade tablecloth and the wooden table. I still don't know what's happened to her.
I turn to Togami, twisting my hands together.
"I'd love to make something, for all of us. If we could arrange something, like a meeting."
Instead of her usual smirk or snarl, Togami rubs her face, and I can't quite figure out her emotion.
"Look, Hanamaru, were going to have to wait a bit. I know how this must feel, but I'll talk to Makoto, ok?" She pats my shoulder. Have fun. I'll be sending in a security guard, just to make sure you don't try anything." She grins.
I reach for a saucepan, determination accelerating my movements.

«Fuyuhiko Kuzuriyu»

"And after you died, Mahiru killed Nekomaru and Kazuichi. Then Nagito killed Mikan, but Mikan was an AI." Peko squeezes my hand, her legs crossed as they dangle from my bed.
I've never begged for anything in my life, until i woke up without Peko at my side.
"I was so fucking stupid." I groan, and Peko laughs. Actually laughs. I haven't heard that sound in so long. I never want to stop hearing it.

«Kazuizhi Souda»

Mahiru sits on her bed, her raspberry Bob ruffled and unusually untidy. My memories of Hope's Peak are trickling back slowly, a few at a time, and after a week I'm guessing Mahiru is careful, tidy, organised, so this is very out of character.
"Kazuichi, Nekomaru." She nods at us cautiously. "I'm sorry for what happened. Of course, I know you won't forgive me, but- ugh!"
Nekomaru wraps his muscular arms around her, squeezing out all the air in her lungs.
"Don't sweat it, Mahiru! It's chill." He laughs.
"What even happened? You didn't act like yourself at all." I mumble, reluctant to hug my KILLER!!!! Seriously Nekomaru?
"Um, Chihiro said that Junko's files leaked into mine, and basically I turned into a Junko clone." She explains sheepishly.
"Oh." I scratch my chin. Yeah, sure I'm a mechanic, but I know nothing about computers. "I get it. I think. Alright, I forgive you." I grin. What's the point of being mad at her?

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