«Chapter 2- A blur of purple»

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«H a
E H I n a KAMA




Beams of light shoot at my eyes, tears streaking down my face as I stare directly into pure, unfiltered light. I feel light, floating, weightless, like I'm submerged in freezing water, my limbs numb.
"Hajime, it's me. I-I don't have m-much time."
A blur of purple reaches out a hand, strengthening, solidifying-
Memories shoot through me like bullets. I can remember- everything, everything that's ever happened, even before the island. Words pound my head like they're all being spoken at once.
"Izuru, please take your seat. Welcome to Hope's Peak."
"Stupid reserve course!"
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Stay here."
"Nooo! Junko-"
"Ahh~ ahh~ My Beloved~"

"Mikan, what's happening?!" I cry, as Mikan stares at me, her face impassively still.
"Hajime- well, Izuru, w-we're in a simulation. You- well, I'll tell you from the start." Mikan sighs, her face still.
"There was this school, H-Hope's peak A-academy, where the brightest ultimates were trained. And the-they had a reserve course- that's what you were part of. W-well, we met this girl called- J-Junko Enoshima, she's controlling this! You need to find her."
"How?" I yell. "How do I find her?"
"She'll be w-where the most despair is for everyone." Mikan smiles, and I have a feeling it will be the last time she ever will.
"If we're in a simulation... does that mean everyone's alive?" I ask, desperate to see her smile.
Mikan shakes her head.
"Goodbye, Hajime." With that, she fades into oblivion, leaving me in the abyss.
"Mikan! Please! Don't go!"
_/▔﹀\_︿╱﹀╲/╲︿_/︺╲▁︹_/﹀\_︿╱▔︺\/\︹▁╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔╲▁︹_/﹀▔\⁄﹀\╱﹀▔︺\︹▁︿╱\╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔╲▁︿Don't Leave me.../\︿╱\︿︹_/▔﹀\_︿╱▔︺\︹╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔\╱﹀╲▁︹_/﹀\_︿╱▔︺\︹▁︿⁄╲︿╱﹀╲︿_/︺▔╲︹_/▔﹀\

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