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I was scared, terrified, and frustrated that we had nothing to go on. I spent all day looking at every option, running every test I could think of, and it was still a mystery, and Derek...well he still didn't make any sense.

"Focal juice abstract voodoo."

"No." I sighed, and tried not to let anything but remorse show in my face "Still nothing."

He closed his eyes tight and let out a heavy sigh, I placed my hand over his and gulped.

"I know you probably don't have much faith in me right now, but I'll figure it out, I won't stop until I do."

He looked up at me surprised. "Nanae, helli kilo Jamaica."

I smiled "What is that supposed to mean?" I heard behind me as Lexie walked into the room.

"Something along the lines of, I'm crazy for thinking he doesn't have faith in me."

"People who are in love with each other usually do." Lexie chided "Any ideas yet?"

"No." I sighed

"He's not going to turn into a vegetable will he?"

"Filipi Noni!"

"Yes." I said through my teeth as I glared at Lexie "We know you're right here."

Lexie rolled her eyes "Have you called his family?"

"Nine Jespie." Derek grumbled.

"No, Derek asked me not to." I said "But I think Mark did."

Derek scowled, I giggled, he looked so cute when he was mad, I leaned in and kissed him softly and felt him relax immediately.

"Is it protocol to laugh at ailing patients and engaging into inappropriate behavior with them?"

And the tension was back...I stood up off the bed where I'd been perched and turned to see a handful of brunette women standing in the doorway, one had salt and pepper hair, they all looked worried. The one in front with short hair was glaring at me, I felt like I was five years old again and had just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"I apologize." I said, they must be his sisters.

"Mulling stutter collie jones." Derek muttered. I rolled my eyes.

"Derek!" they gasped and rushed into the room "Oh my god! What...what's happening!"

"We don't know." I said "We're still trying to find out what's causing his word salad."

"Well can we speak to the real doctor then?" the bitchy one muttered.

"Hannibal militia ginger Kabul!"

"Dr. Grey is the doctor." Lexie piped up after flashing me a look "She's our fellow neurosurgeon and she's doing the best work any of us can do. There's nothing on the CT or MRI, it would be a mystery to anyone."

"Yes Nancy." The woman I assume was his mother said "they're doing the best job they can, we should be grateful."

"I don't see how her best job is planting her lips on Derek." She muttered "it doesn't scream professional to me."

"You're right." I nodded "It wasn't very professional."

"Rowel franker myrrh felucca!"

"No." I glared at Derek "I'm not saying that."

"What?" another sister looked up at me and asked.

"Oh." Lexie mumbled "Yeah, it's a long story, but she can understand what he's saying."

"You can?" she looked hopeful.

"Well I..." I stuttered "the words don't make sense but I feel like I know what he's wanting to communicate."

"Right." Nancy scoffed "If you can't even figure out what's wrong with him, how are we supposed to believe that you can understand him."

"Earling balca hominy islis cannary black!" Derek muttered.

"Derek." I sighed heavily, he looked at me.


"No." I shook my head "I'm not saying that to your sister."

"DAMA lionel machiah!" he yelped, I flinched and let out a sigh as they all looked at me.

"He wants you to stop being so...mean and uncooperative." I mumbled.

"Velucci dama!" Derek hissed, I let out a sigh.

"Fine." I muttered "I'll tell it word for word." I took in a deep breath and looked at Nancy "bitchy, he wants you to stop being bitchy."

Another one giggled "That does sound like Derek."

"Turkey." He said, I flashed him a glare.

"You're welcome." I let out a hefty sigh and turned and grabbed the chart "I'll check back later."

I started to storm towards the door when I heard him call out "Strawberry fields."

I smiled to myself and waved over my shoulder as I crossed through the door "Love you too!"

As soon as I was a few feet into the hallway I collapsed against the wall and tried to rack my brain, I needed to fix this, I needed to figure this out. Not only was the love of my life hurting, but now his family hated me.

"Crazy isn't it?" I heard and looked up to see the nice one standing in front of me, she smiled "You must be the new girlfriend we keep hearing all about."

"Yeah," I gulped "I suppose I am." I stuck my hand out "Meredith Grey."

"Aimee Shepherd." She smiled and shook my hand. "And don't let Nancy get to you, she's like that with everyone...I think she doesn't get laid very much."

I giggled, it felt good to giggle. "I won't comment on that, I don't want to make her hate me anymore than she already does."

"We're just worried." Aimee reassured me "We're worried about Derek....any clue as to what's wrong?"

"I wish I did." I sighed "But all tests have been coming back clean."

"Its just so weird." She said "It's like he's speaking a different language, like he just got hit over the head and he speaks some language that no one knows." She looked at me "Well you know."

I stared at her as I processed the words and frowned "What...what did you just say?"

"Um, that you know what he's saying."

I thought about it....and it was a long shot, but....maybe it would work.


"I think I know what's wrong."

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