Chapter 2.

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Cara's POV


        When I had gotten home I was pretty shooken up of what had just happened, I honestly didn't quite know to do. So I just ran into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal even though it's like 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I couldn't stop replaying the scenes that I had experienced, this has never happened to me and yeah sure there was plenty of times where I felt like I was being watched but this was something much more different.

        I was ripped away from my thoughts as Colin came through the door and asked if I could make him a bowl of cereal and of coure like the nice big sister I am, I gladly said "No." Just kidding of course I made him a bowl because I know if I didn't I would most likely end up in trouble. So as I got bored I decided to go up to my room and pack what I needed to bring with me to Karissa's.  After I had finished mom was already home. And since I was bored out of my freaking mind I thought "hey why not just go to Karissa's house more early." I know, I know I'm so smart for thinking such an amazing plan. I went downstairs and found mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mom"

"Hey!" she said as she smiled brightly,

" I was meaning to ask you if it's ok If i could got to Karissa's early because I'm so bored right now."

"Yeah that's fine with me just behave alright."

"Don't I always though." I said with a smug look.

"Mmhm Yeah of course you do, bye love you." 

I laughed and replied back with the famous "I love you too."


At Karissa's House


"Hey sorry I came way more ealier, I literally thought I was going to die of bordness."

"It's fine I was getting bored anyway."

"So what are our plans for tonight?"

"Speaking of tonight I was actually thinking that we go to a party."

"You know parties aren't usually my thing."

"C'mon please if you start to get bored we can come back home."  Karissa implied as she pleaded,

"Fine whatever." 

"YAYYYY" Karissa exclaimed, as she started to do a mini happy dance. I did nothing but laughed at how ridiculous she looked.

        Karissa then checked her phone to see what time it is and then set her phone back down.

"Ok so its 6 now and the party starts at 8 and doesn't end until like 1am, so i suggest we shoudl start getting ready."


        I was wearing a sweater (as usual), black high waisted skinny jeans, and a pair of black heels that Karissa let me borrow. And she was wearing ripped skinny jeans, a flannel and some black heels too. Since we took so long picking out our clothes, when we were done it was already 7:55.

"Oh god we need to go!" Karissa yelled,



At the party


"Hello ladies." We both turn our heads around and see a group of guys, 5 to be exact. 

"Umm...Hi" I said a tiny bit nervous as my eyes wandered the boys, but one of them caught my eyes. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and I can't lie and say that he isn't attractive because oh boy he sure was. I then learned that his name was Niall and the other were Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

       My phone started to ring and i saw that it was my mom, so I excused myself from Karissa and the boys and made my way to the porch of the house. I then sat myself down on the step and was about to answer the call but  sudden whisper was said in my ear

"Found you." and then a cloth was placed around my mouth and then everyting started to slowly fade away. I could feel as if someone was carrying me. What's happening? Who is carrying me?


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