Chapter Eight

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Alexandria's P.O.V

Every punch and kick I arched on the bag made it suffer. The bag creaked on the chain, and whined with every hit. It was easy to destroy this thing, I just imagined it was Castle.

You're such a fool, Alex.

My brain was racing with negative thoughts...but it always came out and punished the bag instead.

It wasn't so much that there was a strange woman around Frank. I didn't mind's the fact that he was in a family environment.

Something I've longed for my entire life. Kids of my own, something that could finally give me happiness...

However, I knew I wasn't cut out for it. Destined to be alone forever...

Whatever! It's what I like, I don't need anyone! AND NO ONE NEEDS ME!

The bag tore in half from an extensive rip. The beads went everywhere, and it pitifully flattened in submission. Dead.

"Hey, Alex - woah...what happened in here?"

"It was years old," My hands grappled onto the tender and folded sides of the bag. "I've lost count on how many. I didn't intend to go that hard with it, though...oh well, I have some extra money lying around somewhere..."

"Alright. I came to tell you that Frank's back, and he's looking for you."

"Tell him I'll see him whenever we head out for the mission. I'm busy."

"Okay, your choice...I don't think he'll take no as an answer." He pivoted on his feet, going through the gym's threshold and out into the factory.

Here we go again. Back to square one.

As Micro's footsteps faded into nothingness...his began to echo in its place.


Frank eventually came in my room. The shadows danced across his already dark mixed perfectly with him. Like he was apart of the shadows.

A part of him was.



He caught my unfriendly demeanor.

"When are you gonna stop all of this hostility towards me? Just curious."

"I know for a fact this isn't why you wanted to talk to me. What do you want, Frank?"

"Can't hide anythin' from you, I guess," Castle had a subtle annoyed hue in his voice. "But anyway...look I get it, alright? I came in here, and-"

"I don't want an apology from you, doesn't matter. You'll go off when we're done here, and forget about me. So what's the point, Castle...? Why waste a breath on me when you've got other people to protect?"

"Waste of breath? Forget 'bout you? Do you hear yourself, right now? I just cut ties with a reporter who helped me, so don't lecture me on what I can use my air on!" He took a step forward...instinctively, I tensed up.

"Well, you've been really busy, haven't you!?"

"Pretty much." Frank's expression morphed into a slightly amused one.

"...You just don't get it..."

"I get that you're jealous."


The room fell silent in a cold chill.

"A second chance at what?"

"...Just forget it." I bursted into a quick pace, trying to pass him easily and silently...but he wouldn't have it. His grasp wrapped around my arms, holding me in place.

It's like everything Styx had taught me just melted away. I was frozen, unable to do anything against him.

I didn't want to hurt him. As annoying, mean, and downright ruthless he was, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not like this, anyway.

"You lost somethin'..."

I closed the distance between our faces, just leaving inches.

"I lost everything."

Those deep, ember eyes were bright. Even in the shadows of my room, I could see them as clear as day. It was like he had an eternal fire inside.

One that would never go out.

"Seeing you there, it-...I wanted to be there. With a family...a mom and dad. Siblings. A warm and welcoming environment..." The sting in my eyes made them flutter slightly.

"You were..."

I cut him off.

"Yeah, I was. Well, that is until I was finally found...but he was barely a father to me. He taught me everything I know about this world. This life."

It was too late when I realized. A tear dropped from my eye, gracefully curving down the contours of my face.

His left hand...Castle's touch burned across me, it felt good.

The tear is wiped away, and I don't have the heart to stop him from doing it.

"Castle, I'm-"

"Just like me. You lost somethin' irreplaceable, well guess did I. It's a horrible feelin', knowin' you get to wake up while the people you loved don't get that liberty."

"An expanding void..." I started.

"That never fills." He continued.

"Never ends." It finished with both of our voices mixing.

His hands slid off my arms, down onto my wrists. They were mostly healed, but I still knew they were there.

"You ready to head out?"

"Just need to grab a few more things..."

He let go of my wrists, but...I didn't leave him. One hand scraped along the center of his stomach, feeling the detail and grooves along it.

"You finally turnin' sweet on me...? I'd appreciate it."

"Not on your life, Frank. Wait with Micro, I'll be out in a few."

"Yes, ma'am." He said in a sweet, honeyfilled way.

A way that made me blush.

Once he left, I sank down on my bed, the burning feeling he left on my arm still searing. My fingers grazed the area where he touched...I wanted that again.

...Why him?

Why did he make me feel so vulnerable?

He didn't just break a wall, he bulldozed right through it and made it a fine powder. In a matter of minutes.

He couldn't go any farther...or else we'd both be in a vicious dance.

One, I wanted to finish alone.

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