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This is a "song-fic" I guess? The song above along with a tiktok p.o.v. inspired me to make this scenario.

 Also, if you choose to play the song while reading, the pacing isn't going to match? Some lyrics won't come until lines later and I left some lyrics out for story purposes, sorry :[

 This was supposed to be a valentine story by the way...

✋😔 I'm extra late this time, but we're not going to talk about that.



Pick up the phone, show me it was real...

Pick up the phone, show me it was real...

Pick up the phone, show me it was real...

He Tian sat quietly at the edge of his bed, his eyes rapidly shifted from his phone to the shoes that he was putting on then back again. He released the breath that he had been holding in, running his hand through his hair as he listened to the call go straight to voicemail...again.

The source of his current unhappiness started with one redhead—whom he knew nothing about. He didn't even know the basic information like his name, age, or if he even lived in the area in which they met. The one thing that he knew about the ginger, was that his personality proved to be as fiery as his hair

The two had met at a party that was primarily meant for arrogant, bored, and terribly wealthy individuals. However the redhead in question didn't seem to have a cent to his name and was more than honest about it when asked.  Apparently he was being courted by the party host, She Li—a family friend of He Tian's due to their father's having some sort of business partnership. Even though they practically grew up together, they were by no means close.  He Tian only knew a few things about She Li, one being that he was infamous for having a new lover nearly every other week. 

Things seemed to be different with this redhead though, She Li was very possessive and borderline obsessed with him, in the words of the little red himself of course.  He Tian knew that it was probably something he shouldn't (nor wanted) to get involved with, but it didn't really stop him or said redhead from sneaking off together that night. 

They had much more fun in each other's company than they could ever have at any other party.

The only downside to their interaction was that they managed to exchange numbers but never formally introduced themselves to one another. Yes He Tian did tell the other male his name, but it wasn't an honorable mention in their conversation. On top of that, he simply assumed that She Li had mentioned him before, which wouldn't make sense since they weren't friends or particularly enemies. He Tian was delighted at how he managed to convince him to sneak off outside together, if he were anyone else, that night could have possibly taken a much more horrible turn.  Though even if he were someone else or had bad intentions, 'Red' probably would have been able to handle himself. He looked like the type that would go down swinging no matter what or who he was up against.

'If only I knew his name...' 

Despite not knowing much about the other and having to go behind She Li's back, they kept in contact (regularly) through text and were getting along so well that they didn't even care to ask each other's names anymore.  All of that did a complete 180° when He Tian suddenly began making up half-assed excuses about not having time to talk anymore as well as constantly leaving the male on read.  His apologies were accepted every time he gave them out, but one can only be forgiving for so long.

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