For You

401 7 3

//Re-did the ending//

"I put it in the oven like I was supposed to, so why...does it look like that?"

He Tian stared at the watery apple pie in front of him, the crust somehow bubbled over in the oven and the filling was definitely runny. Surely he read all of the instructions correctly- well he did kind of skim over some parts to save time....which proved to be counterproductive because now he would waste more time by trying to come up with another dish.

He Tian muttered a curse as he looked around at his already trashed kitchen, it was filled to the brim with other failed creations, maybe he should have cleaned up first before starting another dish.

'I guess I'll need some help with this. I can't ask nosy Jian Yi or Zhan Zheng Xi, those two are most likely together anyway. Obviously I can't call Little Mo...looks like I'll have to use my last resort."


"Didn't I specifically say to come alone? Looks like someone doesn't listen." He Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze shifting between the two men in front of him, one of them were technically an unwanted guest.

The quieter one of the two glanced over at his dark-haired partner, as if they were communicating through the eyes, before looking back at the teen. "He was already with me when you called, now stop wasting my time and tell me what you want."

He Tian's expression seemed to soften slightly as a smirk grazed his lips, "Oh~? Now what were you doing with my big brother?" his brow raised as the two shoved their way into the flat. "Don't get any ideas." He Cheng muttered while checking out the place.

He Tian closed the door behind him, "Whatever you say." He hummed before looking over at the two, his face paling slightly when he noticed they were in the dreaded kitchen.

"What the hell is this supposed to be?"

Immediately after entering, Brother Qiu noticed the trashed kitchen, more specifically He Tian's failed attempt at making apple pie. He Cheng found his way into the kitchen as well, looking around curiously at all the pastries and what looked to be beef stew? It looked like it was made by a toddler, all that was needed was some 'play-doh' chunks.

"I thought you said the redhead was a better cook then this." Qiu said, now poking the pie with a fork.  He Tian let out a slight chuckle, knowing how offended his Momo would be about that statement. "No, this looks like Tian was trying to cook...for whatever reason." He Cheng said, looking at the male with a raised brow. The raven-haired teen put his hands up, "I've been caught, I just wanted to try coking for myself  for once."

"For yourself or for the redhead? I forgot he went out of the country. Isn't he supposed to be coming back from a two week trip?" Brother Qiu crossed his arms with a knowing look. After being around the idiotic friend group for so long, he couldn't help but keep individual tabs on all of them, so he essentially knew where they all were/could be at all times. He Cheng hadn't formally been introduced to the 'redhead,' but he did remember seeing his face a couple of times. "So you're using us to help out with your date? Why don't you just buy something from the store?"

He Tian sighed, knowing that Cheng wouldn't understand how special homemade food was, mainly because he himself didn't understand it until Mo Guan Shan showed him. "How about less talking and more cooking and cleaning." He decided to save the explanation for another time, "All I need is a little help with the food, the instructions are so unclear."

Brother Qiu rolled his eyes, "After this, never ask me for a favor again." He said while dumping the pie in the trash, deciding he would leave the cooking to the siblings. Though, not a second later did it dawn on him that neither brother knew how to cook. They probably haven't even attempted to enter a kitchen a day in their lives.

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