Ten Years

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"Hey Zheng Xi- Honey are you okay?"

Grey-ish blue eyes peeked through lengthy eyelashes in response to the gentle nudges on the shoulder, Zheng Xi let out a small sigh, "I'm fine, just thinking. Are you alright?" he asked after seeing the concerned look his wife, Xiao Hui, had on her face. Prior to this, the man had been reminiscing about his high school days and a certain blonde, whom he hasn't seen in 10 years. The idiot was his best man at his wedding, but after that it was like he was never in Zheng Xi's life in the first place, a figment of his imagination. He didn't show up to his house uninvited like he used to before Xi got married, text him at random hours of the night, or even call. At the wedding after-party, they barely spoke despite looking like they had so much to say. Speaking of the wedding, yes he did marry the girl who he basically rejected in Elementary school, why he did it...well that discussion would be saved for his random late night thoughts.

"Yeah, heh the way you furrow your brows when you think, makes it look like you're in pain," she let out a small breath of what seemed to be relief, "Anyway, I just came back from the mailbox and I thought I should give you the few that have your name on it." The woman, handed her husband the envelopes with a small smile. Hui stepped back from the bed, "I'll leave you to open them but afterwards I have something important to share with you." Before Zheng Xi could question her words, she disappeared into their connected bathroom. If there was anything the brunette learned from He Tian and having a sister, it's that when a female says she wants to talk about something 'important,' it usually wasn't good or maybe he was overthinking it. Deciding not to dwell on things any longer, Zheng Xi begun looking through his mail which seemed to be a bunch of junk, until one in particular caught his attention.

Maybe it was the wrinkled texture, strong smell of salt water, or the absence of information about the sender. The piece of mail was unusual yet intriguing to say the least. However, there was one thing that stopped the 'inquisitive recipient' from opening the envelope, which was the fact that it was already opened.

Did someone open it already? Though, why and who would open it? Maybe someone was just as curious as he was...like the nosy mailman or maybe even Xiao Hui. Maybe his wife peeked inside and found something that displeased her which is... maybe what she wanted to 'talk' about. Zheng Xi shook his head, not wanting to jump to conclusions. Reaching into the mysterious envelope, the brunette pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper, on one side there was something written in what looked like sharpie:

For Zhan XiXi

There was only one person that basically owned the rights to use that "endearing" nickname. Hastily, Zhan Zheng Xi unfolded the paper, ready to see whatever was inside.


Hey it's been a while, you probably would have smacked me across my head already if you were to see me in person. Such a meanie you are Zhan Xixi, I'm surprised you were able to get married.

Speaking of your marriage, I'm sure your happy and because of that I hate to bring this up, but do you remember your promise?

It's been more than 10 years now, remember I said not to make me wait forever.


Zheng Xi stared at the letter, his mind running through his many conversations with his best friend. A promise...


"Zhan Xixi, redhead and He Tian are already "like that," and we've known each other longer than they have! Why can't we be like that-"

"Idiot, like what?!" Zhan Zheng Xi yelled at his clearly insane best friend who was pointing over at the two males making out. "They're dating and are so...intimate. I thought you felt the same way I did." Jian Yi muttered, playing with his fingers.

Zheng Xi scoffed, but sighed, "We'll be together in 10 years, so-"

"You promise? Don't make me wait forever Zhan Xixi." The blonde interrupted, perking up immediately even though he didn't hear everything his friend needed to say.


"I didn't mean it like that, stupid." Zhan Zheng Xi shook his head, though his eyes traveled to the bottom of the paper where there was supposed to be an address but it seemed to be torn off. He raised a brow, feeling like their was some sort of foul play somewhere, but still he (reluctantly) placed the letter back into the envelope. The brunette sat there for a while, the letter making him...think.

What if he did mean it the way Jian Yi thought?

What if he...married Jian Yi instead of Xiao Hui. Would he be happier? Could he deal with being a disappointment to his family by marrying the same gender?

Mo Guan Shan and He Tian seemed to be happy about their marriage, even though they had to move out of China, away form everyone they knew to legally get married.

Zheng Xi blinked, snapping out of his thoughts when he felt eyes on him. Soon enough, he looked up to find that his wife was watching him from the bathroom, but she quickly turned her head once realizing that she'd been caught.

"Done with the mail?" Xiao Hui asked, her voice soft but it wavered slightly as if she was about to cry.

'But she was just fine a minute ago.'

Zhan Zheng Xi stood up, placing down the envelopes before going over to his wife, "What's the matter?" he still wasn't the best at comforting others so he wasn't sure on what he would do if she started crying.

"Just...go in the bathroom, near the toilet." Xiao Hui tried blinking away her tears, sniffling slightly.

Now Zhan Zheng Xi was feeling a little uneasy, whatever was in the bathroom probably involved something emotional and he wasn't sure if he was ready. Maybe she accidentally dropped something important in the toilet and was feeling guilty, or maybe she somehow broke it. The male didn't even realize he closed his eyes until his leg hit the side of the toilet bowl. Taking his time to calmly breathe in and out, Zheng Xi opened his eyes and looked down...

Blinking multiple times, Zhan Zheng Xi wasn't completely sure if he knew what he was looking at. Picking up the little 'device,' he examined the words printed on the side which read 'Pregnant' and 'Not Pregnant,' along with some indicators to signal which was which. For a while, his eyes shifted between the indicators and the marks shown in the middle, "No way-"

"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you sooner, but I wanted to make sure it was true first." Xiao Hui came up besides him, she must have calmed down a bit and was ready to talk. However, whatever the woman was saying was going in one ear and out the next, Zheng Xi was raking through his brain to figure out how this could have happen.

Did they even...and if they did when? No way would he forget something so special. Yes he was a little tipsy after the wedding after party, though he never allowed himself to get drunk enough to where he wasn't aware of his actions.

Another thing, the longer he stared at the test lines, he found that they seemed a bit...uneven? Then again he's never seen a pregnancy test up close, especially a positive one, so maybe he was just seeing things.

"Hey? Zheng Xi? Are you okay?" Xiao Hui shook her husband, "Listen, if you don't want a baby then-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence. I will admit that I'm at a loss for words, but still willing to take responsibility." Zhan Zheng Xi released a harsh breath, he turned to his wife and brought her into his arms, rubbing her back reassuringly.

'Sorry Jian Yi...'


Next part coming soon...

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