Rainy days

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"Stop looking at me like that."

Jian Yi blinked, slightly startled, as the sound of Zhan Zheng Xi's grumpy voice brought him from the trance-like state he was in. The two long time best-friends were lying closely together in Yi's bed since they had been reading a comic, which was held up by Zheng Xi, to distract themselves from the unpleasant weather outside...well that's what they were doing before Jian Yi seemed to space out.

Usually Rainy days like this, brought what Yi liked to call an 'immovable cloud of gloom,' because he always felt extremely sad on these days and it seemed like nothing could change his mood. The fact that his mother wasn't there to comfort him- well when had she ever been there for him? That mere thought alone always crossed his mind and brought a wave of emotions behind it. It only reminded him how alone he was, with no one to care for him. After that realization, the blonde would be sent spiraling into a type of depression that would leave him curled up in his bed, sobbing until the rain stopped.

But today was different, for only one reason in particular. It was all because of the literal angel besides him, that shone brighter than the sun. His presence alone seemed to blow away the "immovable cloud," destroying any negative thoughts as if they weren't there in the first place, and filling his cold empty home with the warm sense of comfort.

"Hello? Earth to idiot Yi." Zhan Zheng Xi had put the comic down and rolled onto his side so he was facing his friend, his usual stoic expression transformed into one of worry.

The blonde only smiled despite how his eyes had begun to water, he flung himself at the male's chest, burring his face into the crook of Xi's neck.

"Thank you Zhan Xixi."

To say that the brunette was at a loss for words was an understatement, however he decided not to question things just yet. His expression softened further upon hearing quiet sniffling.

Arms gently wrapped around Jian Yi and pulled him closer, trapping him in a warm embrace.

If rainy days were always like this....

it would be heaven on earth.


"I'm fine on my own, so don't bother coming."

He Tian hung up and his phone hit the floor after a careless toss. The ravenette curled up into fetal position as he begun to stare at nothing in particular, he felt and looked completely defeated. Continuous pitter-patter from the rain, along with occasional claps of thunder only seemed to worsen his mood.

He started to wonder if it was raining inside, a strange thought, but it really sounded as if his roof was gone and the rain was flooding his home.

Maybe the water would rise instead of slipping through the wooden floorboards and drown him along with his thoughts.

The male shook off the morbid image as he remembered that his spacious flat was just causing the sounds from outside to echo, which gave off the illusion of rain pouring inside. Though, it really only reminded him that his place was basically a ghost town.

Dark eyes shifted to the right side of the bed, immediately thinking of all the times a certain redhead was laid besides him....well usually He Tian forced him to but there were those rare moments when the other would take initiative.

He Tian groaned, rubbing his hand over his face. Everything was starting to upset him, it was this damn rain that made him think of all his problems. Eventually, he closed his eyes deciding to force himself to sleep, since that's all he could really do.

However, banging on his front door made his eyes shoot open.
The only person that would come over in the pouring rain and could careless about being soaked, was probably Cheng. With that thought alone, He Tian decided to stay in bed.

However, the banging didn't cease and only grew louder, which caused He Tian to quickly force himself out of his bed. He realized that if it were Cheng, then the man would have come in after the first knock. 

"Who is it?" He Tian called out as he cautiously approached the door and only then did the banging stop, but it was replaced by yelling.

"Just open the door you chicken dick!"

'That voice...the insult...'

He Tian threw the door open and was immediately met with an annoyed ginger, whose fiery locks had dwindled into a doused flame.

"Took you long enough!" Mo Guan Shan grumbled as he pushed his way into the male's apartment.

A smile appeared on Tian's face, a small chuckle coming from him as well. It was a huge change from how he originally was feeling, his Momo always seemed to make him feel this way.

"Little Mo, make me some beef stew~"

"Huh?! I'm soaked from head to toe, I'll probably get sick and the first thing you ask me to do is work?! Asshole! You're not even going to question why I'm here either? It wasn't to check on you, so don't get any ideas." Honestly, He Tian didn't care when Mo was throwing profanities at him or shouting, he just loved to hear his voice.

"We can talk about those things while you cook or when we eat." He Tian closed his door and walked over to his angry sunshine. He hugged him from behind, nuzzling against his cheek,

"You should come over all the time when it rains."


Made some edits, I'm only going to be putting some of the scenarios over here, the really "good" ones.

Also I'll add the new one I'm writing here.

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