Haunted House

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This was definitely not how Mo expected to start off this year's Halloween, he didn't really plan on celebrating in the first place.

His only two options were stay home with his mom and hand out candy or go out 'trick or' treating' with Dumb, Dumber, and Dumb-est (Zhan Zheng Xi, He Tian, and Jian Yi) and between those two options it was obvious what he would choose...


The male would just lay in his bed and ignore the world unless his friend Buzzcut called him up with the intention of pulling some pranks.

But as always, trouble never ceased to find the redheaded teen, this time trouble went by the name 'She Li'.

"Don't think about running away now, we're already here."

Mo Guan Shan blinked, snapping back to reality. He looked around and finally came to stare up at an abandoned manor. She Li was already making his way across the yard which bared dead grass and large 'bald spots'. It looked like no one has touched the manor in years and if someone did as much as blow on it, the whole thing would probably collapse. The darkly colored bricks were either cracked or broken completely which corresponded with the windows that were in a similar condition.

"Are you going to make me wait any longer?" She Li called to the male.

Mo kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes, "Are you sure this is the right place?" he asked as he hopped over the short gate and walked towards the porch. "This place looks completely dead," he added while kicking an empty plastic bag on his way up the steps.

"It's a haunted house, do you expect it to be lively?" She Li said plainly, Mo walked over to the door-less entry and slowly poked his head inside. The teen let out a yelp when he suddenly was shoved through the entrance by a foot on his back.

"Ladies first."

Guan Shan coughed as his lungs were immediately filled with dust, he looked back and glared as She Li walked through the door as if he did nothing wrong. Dust clouded the air heavily and there were cobwebs in almost every corner, the place gave off the smell of wet wood which was probably because the roof had one or two gaping holes. It was quiet and out of everything, the silence is what made a shiver crawl up Guan Shan's spine.

A rotten stench started to fill the room which was seemingly apparent to Guan Shan only, he looked at the floor finally noticing the dried up red puddles. "Isn't this place charming?" She Li said as he watched a spider crawl on its web, he used his finger and broke half of the web before turning to the redhead who looked worried and freaked out. "I love that expression, though I would like to see more fear...that's what really gets me."

"Oh rot in hell, tell me why you dragged me to this damn place." Mo growled out in annoyance, leave it to She Li to say something weird in attempts to rile him up, he was no better than that devil He Tian.

"Remember our little deal, where you were supposed to be the escape goat? You didn't do a good job with that and even worse, you and your gang of morons embarrassed me, He Tian especially." She Li's voice lowered, his brows furrowed

'No this again..' Mo thought, he couldn't show the other that he was intimidated in any way, "So? What, you want revenge because He Tian kicked your ass?" That definitely wasn't the right thing to say.

"Exactly. Get him."

And with that, two pairs of arms grabbed Guan Shan, two held his arms and the other two grabbing his legs. He should have known that She Li had something planned, he doesn't come to his house and invite him somewhere for no reason. Mo wrestled in the grasp of his 'captors' but his efforts were futile, he looked to She Li who now stood in front of him. The white haired psycho cracked his knuckles before sending a punch flying right across Guan Shan's face. Next came a swift knee to the stomach, then a full on kick. Li went up to the other and grabbed his chin and left punch after punch, he was preparing a punch harsher than before until Mo spat blood in his face.

Now She Li had a look of murderous intent.

Before anything else could happen a cracking was heard from above and as soon as everyone looked up, a chandelier came barreling down towards them. Mo was let go as everyone scrambled to get out of the way. The redhead was sort of dazed from the punches and nearly was hit but luckily he dived out of the way at the last second.

"I knew this place was falling apart." Guan Shan muttered as he watched the chandelier crash through the floorboards through swollen eyes.

"W-What is that?" A male voice said, probably one of She Li's many followers. He pointed at the top of the staircase at a mask figure, a black coat covering everything completely except pale slender fingers that held...a cleaver that seemed to be dripping a thick red liquid which almost everyone was hoping wasn't blood. Mo Guan Shan was paralyzed with fear, was this person a crazed murderer? Was he... or she, trying to drop the chandelier on them? Are they responsible for the stench and blood spatters, maybe it was from passed victims. She Li and his entourage didn't stick around to find out, scrambling to their feet as they ran like a bunch of cowards leaving Mo sitting in place.

The figure watched the others run before turning their attention to Mo, the redhead's breath caught in his throat as whoever was in the mask and cloak began descending the stairs coming right towards him. The redhead was practically shaking but didn't dare to move also he probably wouldn't get far because of the pain he was feeling.

Finally the unknown person stood in front of him, it seemed like it grew much more quiet if that was possible, Mo thought that the rapid beating of his heart could be heard. He flinched as the figure reached up and began removing their mask to reveal.....






"...Jian Yi?!" Mo exclaimed in utter shock while the masked figure, Jian Yi, gave a nod. "Are you okay Redhead? She Li did a number on you!" He exclaimed. Mo's intial surprise turned to anger, "AND YOU SAT THERE AND WATCHED!" he quickly stood up, despite how sore his body felt, and grabbed the blonde by his cloak.

"Let him go, it wasn't exactly his fault." Zhan Zheng Xi said from the stairs, he walked down towards the two. "One of the stairs broke and Jian Yi was stuck, the other one broke and I got stuck as well." Jian Yi was pulled out of Guan Shan's grasp which was a big relief to the blonde.

"But we still saved you, so for my reward you should give me all your Halloween candy."

"Or serve up a meal, sneaking around made me very hungry~" Ah of course the devil himself was here too. Guan Shan grimaced when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder. He was turned to face He Tian who immediately looked at his bruised face, "Fuck." The ravenette muttered. A naive part of him earlier thought that She Li wouldn't beat him that badly.

"Both of you bastards can go to hell. Whats the deal with nearly dropping a chandelier on me!?" Guan Shan exclaimed turning away from He Tian, the black haired teen already knew that meant 'stop looking at me like that bastard, I'm fine.'

"We didn't do that. This place is pretty old, remember Jian Yi and I almost dropped through one of the stairs earlier." Zhan Zheng Xi explained.

"You should have seen He Tian! His face was like 'oh no I have to save my redhead-" A dark glare that was sent towards Jian Yi made the male shut up immediately. "Maybe we should tend to your injuries, we were going to He Tian's house until he saw you with She Li and knew something was wrong." Zheng Xi explained.

"Yup, I wouldn't mind taking care of you little mo~ Anyway, what happened to the costume I sent you? I was sure I had the size fitted perfectly." He Tian said, you could hear the smirk in his voice. Guan Shan rolled his eyes, "You called that a costume? It was just a cat ears and tail. Then the tail had a...you know.."

"I don't know, elaborate~"

Mo clicked his tongue, "It had a freakin' p-plug at the end!"His face heated up as he recalled when he first opened the thing.

"It adds fun to the costume, come I brought another for you to put on."


"Xixi do you want a tail too-"


"Ouch I was just asking."

Little did the three know, there was another cloaked figure watching them from behind the stairs, looking at the second chandelier that hung above the trio's heads....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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