The First Conversation

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The First Conversation:

I dropped Mel off at her Boyfriend, Harold before walking to the gazebos across town. Harold was also my ex, he was my first boyfriend last year. I was shocked when he randomly asked me out. Not many people in our school actually liked him so I knew I was probably going to hear all about it from my brother Brad and everyone but I decided to go ahead and give him a chance. Worst mistake ever, he became a major jerk and was so lucky Brad couldn't kick his ass because he was technically still a minor at the time. On his sixteenth birthday though Brad warned him if he came anywhere near me or tried starting anything he would end up in the hospital and he would gladly pay the bill.

As I got closer to the gazebos I noticed people at the smaller one. I sat down at the other gazebo and pulled out my book to read, like I always did after school. I found it hard to concentrate on my book when the guys at the other gazebo were being rather loud and obnoxious. Finally I gave up and decided to actually look and see who was over there, after looking I sat there for a minute before walking over. "Hey Danny, Hey Tyler" I said sitting down on a picnic bench in front of them.


I met up with Tyler after school. We headed across town to the gazebos to hangout and chat for a bit. "Tyler you're really close with Brad right?" I asked as we sat down. "Yea, why?" he asked. "What do you think of his sister, Rosette?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I don't know," I replied. "Do you like her Danny" "What no that's crazy talk" I said, not looking at him. "Holy crap, you do man and I don't blame you Rosette is one amazing girl, if it wasn't for the fact she's like a little sister to me I'd tap that, course Brad beating me up if he ever found is a downside" he said. "See that's why I haven't said anything or made a move. I don't know how Brad would react and I'm kind of got nothing without my beautiful face" I said laughing. "Ok Mr. Ego, long as you're not going to hurt her, make your move Brad won't hurt you he'll make it clear if you do you'll lose that pretty face of yours, which reminds me if you do end up hurting her I'll pound your face in as well," he said, punching me in the arm. We both started laughing and wrestling. We just got done when Rosette came over and sat down in front of us.


Tyler is friends with my brother Brad, so he had been around a lot during the summer. Tyler was actually a sweet guy when you got him away from the guys. Tyler was another brother to me, he kept an eye out for me and if anyone had a problem with me they took it up with him and Brad. It was kind of nice to have "Bodyguards", but sometimes I just wish that they would let me fight my own battles... other than the ones against myself they have no idea about.

"Sup"? They both replied Tyler getting up and giving me a hug. "Nothing, just got a quick question for you Danny" I said. Tyler gave me that, what are you doing? "Ask away" Danny said. "Are you mad at Melanie or something"? I asked. "Melanie who"? He asked "Wait Harold's chick" asked Tyler before I could answer Danny. "Ew, gross who would date Harold, he smells like eggs all the time, he's just nasty," replied Danny. I bowed my head in shame as I slowly replied "I did". "What, how did I not know about this,"? Asked Tyler. "At the beginning of last year I kind of might've dated him... he asked me out and I was so desperate to have a boyfriend I mean everyone was always picking on me because I was the only one who hadn't had a boyfriend yet I mean I'm 15 it's kind of pathetic..." I stopped myself, realizing Danny was staring at me. "Ro it's fine long as you can tell me you never kissed him or anything cause then I'll have to kick his ass" said Tyler. "Tyler stop calling me Ro, it was cute when I was little but I'm not little anymore, no I didn't kiss him or anything I couldn't get pass the smell of the eggs, that's why I broke up with him geez I can handle myself, look I got to go, I'll talk to later Danny" I said grabbing my bag and taking off across the Street


"Hey I'll catch you later Tyler, there's something I gotta do," I said. "What do you have to do, maybe I could help" he replied. "No man this is something I got to do myself" I replied. "You're going after Ro" he asked "Yep" I replied running across the street after her.


"Rosette wait up" I heard someone yell. With a sigh I turned around expecting Tyler to be there apologizing for being over protective, yet again but to my Surprise I found Danny standing there instead. "Can I walk you home?" he asked "It's a free country," I replied. "Not really, but okay," he said laughing. We started walking and it was quiet at first but then we started talking about what we do with our free time. He told me how he spends a lot of his time getting high or drunk with the guys. I told him how I did once in a while when I had writer's block, it cleared it right up. "Wow I always took you as the quiet, goody goody" he said looking with that smile of his. "It's the quiet ones you need to watch out for," I said, pushing him and taking off running down the street. "Hey, no fair," he yelled, running after me.

He caught me just in front of my house, he picked me up and spun me. I had never laughed so hard in my life. I stole his hat off his head and put it on me, "How do I look" I said as he finally put me down. "You look cool, but not cool as me, of course no one's as cool as me" he replied, taking his hat back. "Well someone has an Ego don't they" I said laughing. "Eh just a little" he said "Yea, I'm sure Mr. Ego-Maniac, but I got to go inside, I'll catch you later" I said, looking at the house.

"Okay, so do you want to hang out tomorrow after school with Tyler and me? We're going to hit the Trussel, it's supposed to be hot, and there's supposed to be a massive party down there tomorrow night, maybe you could go with me?" he asked, looking at the ground. "Um sure it sounds fun" I said, trying not to smile too big. "Okay so I'll meet you at the Gazebos after school?" he asked. "Yeah, that sounds good," I replied. "Okay bye" he said. "Bye" I said.

"Danny wait" I said as he turned to walk away. I ran to him, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before darting in the house.


I laid in bed not able to sleep. I couldn't get her off my mind. I couldn't wait to see her the next day. I didn't know how to react when I saw her though, should I kiss her? Should I just say Hi? Or should I wait and see what she does? And more importantly should I tell Brad?

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