Chapter 9: Partis

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Three years ago, after the Demon attack.

The red-haired boy walked around the corner, spotting his and his friend's little house. He was a bit nervous, making his way through an alley in Recedem quickly. Rain was pouring down, water soaking his hair and clothes. Today was the day. Today he was going to tell his best friend his secret, what he was in reality. He was scared for his friend to push him away, to abandon him, but something tells him he will accept for who he truly is. Or al least, he hoped so.

He knocked on the wooden door, two fast knocks, and four normal ones. That was the secret code he and his mate used to identify each other. He heard the sound of an unlocking door, then the opening noise. In front of him stood a short dark-eyed boy, his hair hidden away in a beanie. He didn't know for what reasoning, but he never showed his hair, not even to him. He also never told him his real name, he always wanted to go by Quackity. The boy stepped aside, making space for him to enter the house.

He walked into their small house, instantly feeling safe and home, unlike that damn alley. The wooden walls were empty, except for a clock and a window. A few boxes were standing against the wall, they stored everything in them since they didn't have a proper closet. In the middle of the room stood a small table that was just big enough for them to eat. They had the table since they lived here and we're kind of attached to it. But their most valuable possession was a piano, standing in the corner. Quackity always played beautifully for Karl.

He grabbed a towel, trying to dry himself as much as possible, not bothering to grab dry clothes. Then he walked to the couch, where his friend was already sitting with two cups of tea in his hand.

"You said you wanted to tell me something, Karl? The shorter boy spoke, while he was still finding a good position to sit in. Quackity handed him his steaming tea, his hands warming up from the heated cup.

"Yes, I've known you for six weeks now, it's time to tell you the truth," Karl responded.

"Oh, this is going to be a serious talk? Let me put on my serious face, one second." He looked Karl dead in the eyes with no emotion, which made him laugh. It was always hard to talk with Quackity about serious stuff, he could turn literally everything into a joke.

"I mean it Quackity, this is going to change your whole perspective on me." The boy stopped laughing, allowing Karl to speak. He took a sip of his tea, almost burning his tongue.

"Have you ever wondered why I know so much about the past world and the Demon attacks?" He asked, Quackity shaking a no in response. The clock on the wall was ticking loudly, distracting him a bit from the conversation. He looked at the ticking machine, seeing it pointing to the four.


He focused back on his story, biting his lip in frustration.

"That's because I am almost fully a Demon." Karl peeked at him, seeing his not changed face. Suddenly, he starts laughing, clasping his stomach.

"Yeah yeah, you almost got me there," he barely managed to say through his laughs. Of course, he didn't believe him, who would believe your friend, who you have lived with for a long period, saying he's partly a Demon? There was only one way to make him believe, he needed to show him proof.

He grabbed his friend's face, forcing him to look into his eyes. He concentrated, feeling his eyes turn bright red. His heart started to beat faster as Quackity's face almost immediately fell, his eyes widening.

"You're not joking, aren't you?" He asked, not breaking their stare. Karl swallowed, not sure of how Quackity had taken the evidence. At any point now, he could leave the house and him behind, never looking back and find another place to live. He shook his head.

"Can you turn me into a Demon too? Your eyes are so cool!" Karl relaxed as his eyes turned back to their normal blue color, glad that Quackity had accepted him. Of course it didn't matter that much to him, his friend always accepted every strange thing about him. They both started laughing, shaking off the tension that had just hung in the air.

"How did you manage to turn into a Demon?" Quackity asked with a grin on his face.

"550 years ago, when my mother got pregnant, a Demon possessed her. It wasn't during an attack, but randomly. After a few months, I was born." Quackity nodded.

"So because your mother got possessed while you were growing inside of her, you became partly Demon." He finished Karl's sentence. His mind focused on the clock again, still ticking at the same speed. He faintly heard Quackity talk to him, not fully hearing it. He blinked his eyes a few times.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention, what did you say?

His friend sighed irritated. "I said, can you do something else than changing your eye color?"

Karl hesitated, he didn't know if he should tell him what he can do more. But Quackity already accepted most of his story, so it couldn't make that much of a difference to his opinion. Besides, Quackity always thought of Demon's as cool creatures.

"I can take over people's dead bodies."

His friend's face got a bit less excited after Karl's comment, but instantly went back to his usual 'I'm going to say something stupid' smile.

"So you know how it is to be a woman?" Oh my god, sometimes he couldn't stand Quackity. Why would he possess a dead woman's body? He didn't answer his question, just giving him an 'are you serious' look.

"Wait, you're telling me you have never tried?" He mentally slapped himself for being friends with this idiot. At least it was never boring when he was around. When he had a bad day, coming home and talking to his friend always cheered it up. There hasn't been one day without laughs filling the room.

"Why are you telling me all of this now? You know you wouldn't have had to." He glanced back to Quackity.

Every body he took over, couldn't last forever. This one he had used for five years now, which was quite a long time. Most bodies would get weaker after two years, and be useless in the third, but this one was strong. The strength of a body wasn't about how much you worked out, or how long you can run without getting tired, but it's about how strong you're mental. Every time a body ran out, as he liked to call it, he would leave it behind and find a new one. Sometimes people recognized him, which wasn't ideal because he wasn't actually that person and he had no idea who they were. So he had decided that every time he possessed a new one, he ran off to another village. Recedem was great, not many people lived here and the streets are almost always empty, so nobody recognized him. The people here didn't communicate much either, most people didn't even know each other while living so near for a long time. Recedem was the city he first went to after taking someone's body.

He cleared his throat.

"I'm telling you now because this body is going to die in a few years."

Yayy,  I added Quackity and Karl! I plan on adding some more people....

Pars = part
Partis = partly
You can probably guess why I named this chapter Partis. It's because Karl is partly Demon.

It was really hard to write this chapter. New personas, new characters to form.  Besides that, it was a fun chapter to write!

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