Chapter 17: Septem

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All four of them were gathered along the table in the living room. Karl had just told them about the connection between the blood moon and the next Demon attack, which would happen in exactly seven days from now.

"Why are they attacking? It's been three years since the last one! Normally it would take like fifty years for a next one to take place!" Even Karl was frustrated about the situation, standing up from his chair and walking around the table while trying to solve the burning questions.

"Don't ask us! You clearly know more about the attacks!" Quackity was now standing up too, following Karl around. Dream sighed. This whole soulmate crisis was bad enough already, why did those stupid Demons choose to attack now?

"Do you know anything about when Demons attack? Do they need a specific reason or do they attack if they feel like it?" Dream asked.

"They attack if there are too many people who are Fortis or neither Fortis nor Inferior. To say it more easily, if there are too many people who aren't Inferior," Karl explained.

"So Dream is kind of safe during the attack?" George joined their conversation.

"Yes, and so am I. Everyone who is partly Demon won't get attacked."

"I'm partly Demon?"

"Every Inferior is, your inner Demon grows if you start to care for someone, but it has to be there to grow, if that makes sense."

I'm partly Demon? That means I'm partly evil, right? Why does evilness grow if you care for someone? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?

The questions circled through his head. Dream decided to leave them unanswered since it wasn't their main problem.

"Quackity, are you a Fortis?"

Dream had never thought about this one, Quackity never told them.

"Yeah, I am."

"So you and George are going to be targeted by the Demons?"

Quackity swallowed, looking at George before meeting Dream's eyes again.

"According to what Karl just told us, that's going to be the case."

Dream looked at George, noticing his face being different than normal. He never looked very happy or excited, but he also never looked sad. But now, you could read the fear on his face. George stared back at him, biting his lip. Quackity and Karl kept talking about the attack, but Dream didn't follow what they were saying. He was concerned for George's safety, and how he handled the situation right now. It seemed like he was about to cry any moment if he continued to listen to the things Karl and Quackity were talking about.

Dream left his chair and grabbed George's hand, leading him to the bedroom he had slept in. He signed for him to sit down on the bed while closing the door. You could hear the other two's voices faintly, so quiet you wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying.

"I noticed you were uncomfortable in there, I thought you may wanted some silence." Dream spoke softly, not trying to get George any more frustrated than he was already.

"T- Thank you." Georges's voice was trembling, he held his hands before his face, covering his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Dream walked over to the bed, rubbing circles on George's hand. It took a few moments for George to answer.

"It's just too much. A couple of weeks ago I sat down with my mother, drinking tea. Now she's dead and I will probably be dead soon too and-" He started crying, his face falling apart. Dream put his arm around him protectively, waiting for George to finish his sentence.

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