Chapter 28

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Hadrian's POV -
"Dray! Dray! There's a potions test in two days time!"
"I know."
"And you didn't think to tell me about it!"
"I thought you knew."
I sigh. I have alot of revision to do. You know what. I might just wing it. Hope for the best.
"You will do revision, Hadrian," my mate says as if he's reading my mind.
"I used to wing it for, like, half my lesson and get okay results."
"Tom's right Harry. It might've worked in your other lessons, but this is potions. With Professor Snape. You know, the dungeon bat. If you even get one mark off an excellent, you will be treated as if you have no hope in potions."
"I see your point, but why are you siding with him. Your meant to be my best friend, not his!"
"Oh, Harry, I'm going to an inner circle meeting. I'll be back in an hour," Tom said before kissing my forehead.
"Can I come?"
"No, you have to revise."
Aw man. No getting out of this. But if I'm going down, I'm bringing Draco down with me.
"Draco, you're my study buddy."
"What! Not fair. Just because you haven't revised, doesn't mean that I have to do it with you."
"If you don't have plans with the twins, you're my study buddy whether you like it or not."
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"No, I don't."

Time skip

We were visiting papa after school. We were talking about his old school days, when he suddenly said, "I want to see Remus."
"Are you sure that's a good idea, Jay? He's in with Dumbledore, and I don't want to risk you getting hurt."
"He's with Dumbledore because he feels in debt to him, not because he stands for what he says. Please, just bring him here."
"If that's what you want."

Dumbledore's POV-
James is gone. I don't know how, but he's gone. I don't know who helped him, but someone must have. Potter was to weak to stand, let alone apperate out of Hogwarts. Despite what I tell everyone, its easy to apperate in and out of Hogwarts if you know the password, which all the teachers know. Anyway, the female Weasley's attempts haven't been working. I need to get Harry back under my control. If I get him, no one can touch me.

Tom Riddle X Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now