Chapter 6

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Draco's POV -
What is going on on? We were gone for half an hour at most. When did Uncle Sev and Potter get here, and why are they even together? "Severus, start from the beginning," I say, hoping it will answer my questions.
"Harry, do you want to say, or should I?" he asks Potter.
"I will," he says,cuddling into Tom, "last week, I came into my creature inheritance and I went to Gringotts. It turns out that I'm not Harry Potter, son of Lily and James Potter, but, Hadrian Potter-Snape, son of Severus Snape and James Potter. I still like people calling me Harry though,but only if I want them. I also found out that Hermione and Ron were paid to be my friends. I'm sorry Draco, about not taking your hand in first year. I wish I had. My 'friends' and 'family' were stealing from me. There was also a marriage contract keyed to Ginny Weasley and Dumbledore placed alot of blocks on me and my magic. I found out Tom was my mate." I see Harry's small horns and couldn't belive I hadn't seen them before.

Harry's POV -
After I tell everyone this, I snuggle into my mate harder. He has nice smell and is really warm. I could tell that the Malfoys were shocked. I think dad wants to get onto a differe topic because he says: "On a lighter note, you two are going back to school soon."
"No! I don't want to go back. Not after finding out about Dumbledore and everyone. Don't make me, please!" I shout, scared. Ron and Hermione had been paided to befriend me and they both, as well as the rest of the Weasleys (except Bill, Charlie, Arthur, Fred and George) and Dumbledore had been stealing from me. I couldn't go back!
"I'm sorry, Harry. You need your education. You have to go back. I'll be potions teacher still, so you can always come and see me if you have any problems."
"No!" I turn to Tom, "please Tom, say I don't have to!"
"I'm sorry Harry, but I agree with your dad. You need your education. If you want, I'll come with you," Tom replies, before kissing my forehead.
"Fine, I'll go if you come."
Dad thinks it is time to leave and excuses us. We apperate home and I get into bed. It was nice to meet my mate properly. I stiil can't belive I was lied to.

Tom Riddle X Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now