Chapter 23

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AN- I just love this song! Also 82k reads! Thank you so much!
James' POV-
"Fabian and Gideon were cousins to the marauders. We offered them places but they declined every time. When the twins were born we volunteered to adopt them incase something happened to the parents. When we found out about Hadrian, we made plans for them to blood adopt him. Then the twins went missing and they were destraut. Suddenly they disappeared too." Tears started rolling down my cheeks. My husband puts an arm around my waist. I've missed Sev so much. It's been years since I last saw him. I bury my head into his shoulder. Sev starts mumbling comforting words to me.

Fred's POV-
This is alot to get my head around. I sit down and feel to sets of arms wrap around me. I put an arm around my twin and pull him closer. He must be going through the same. I wrap my other arm around Dray.

Time skip coz I'm lazy
We walk into the Great Hall. Me and my twin walk over and sit on the Slytherin table. Our "brother" and his sister and girlfriend walk over to us. "I think you'll find your sitting at the wrong table. Are you colour blind or something?"
"They want to sit here, spawn of the devil, so shut it," our blond mate says.
"Who asked you, death eater?" After the words left my "brother's" mouth, the four of us, plus most Slytherins near us pulled out our wands.
"Talk like that again and you won't be able to walk again for days," George said.
"Ugh. Mum's going kill you, and probably disown you. You're dating a snake."
"Fine by us. We don't even want to be associated with her," I replied, and I wasn't lying. She kidnapped us from our fathers (well, two of them) and lied to us our whole lives. 
"Ginerva,wasn't it only last month that you were hitting on me for my money," Draco drawled. Our "sister" blushed redder than her hair, "and wasn't it just yesterday that you were hitting on me, with polyjuice potion because I was 'hot'" he added. Imagine the deepest scarlet you can, times it by 5 and that's the colour of Ginerva's cheeks. It was brilliant.

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