Chapter 7: The way

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Nakuri stood like a statue. His face froze in surprise and his mouth was opened wide.

Kayn? His friend, Kayn? How he dared, broke the most important rule? How could he go against the Order? Even when we took him... he was barely alive... and he... he just... without pangs of conscience... fucked the Vastaya fox. In addition, he was so close to the monastery!

-How you could?! Don't you feel ashamed? - Nakuri was close to crying. - You wouldn't breath today if I and master Zed didn't find you in the ashes! This is how you show your greatness?! Exactly in this way?! Breaking the elementary rules, which you accepted, when you became one of us? I was sure, you treat this place as your own home... and we are all the family for you. - the tear dropped from his eye.

-Nakuri... - in spite he was naked, Kayn came to his friend. - I...

-You wouldn't tell me any words which could change my mind, Kayn. - Nakuri said, turning his head. - It's too late.

He turned back and started to walk on the monastery's side. Each of his steps needed huge effort. Nakuri felt like he would go just to do the death sentence to someone, who was innocent. But... he knew that in this case he was witness to Kayn's guilt. He couldn't deny it. He heard Kayn was calling him. He was already in his clothes, but he still had the water drops on his body.

- Nakuri, Am I still your family? - Kayn asked.

-Kayn... - Elder felt like his friend somehow knew how to make him change his mind. - Yes, you are...But I have to be loyal to the Order. I hope you understand me.

-I do. Trust me, I really do. We both know that I don't stop meeting with her. - Kayn said. Nakuri hugged him.

- You'll be my family no matter what. Even when you get rejected from the Order, you will be my brother. - Nakuri's voice trembled.

-I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me. Now I want to ask you for the last thing. - Kayn tightened his arms.

- What is this? - Nakuri looked right in Kayn's bright blue eyes. They were full of fear.

- Let's go to the Zed's chamber. I... should talk with him. - Kayn said with sadness in his voice. - I wish you to... be near me when he will reject me from the Order. 'Cause you were near me when he decided to accept me into it.

When Nakuri saw seriousness on his face he couldn't refuse Kayn. He patted his back, but he knew, it won't change the way Kayn felt. They haven't talked to themselves since they came to the monastery. They passed the whole building just to get to the Zed's chamber. Kayn heard how his heart was battering. His left breast moved up and down in dizzying thempo. Nakuri looked at his friend with worry. Kayn put his hand up to show his alright.

Then he bent it into fist and knocked on the doors. They heard sounds of surprise and stamping. The seconds, which took Zed to get to the doors, seemed to be forever to Kayn. In the end the doors opened up. Master was looking at them through the mask as always.

-What brought you here that late? - Zed asked with care.

-Master... - Kayn's throat was tight because of the fear. - I've sinned. Very much.

Nakuri couldn't make a sound. His hazel eyes fought with themselves to not to start to cry.

- What did happen? - Zed asked with a bit harsher tone.

-I... I met a Vastaya girl upon the lake, Master. - Kayn bent his hand into fist. - Nakuri caught us tonight.

-Is that true, Nakuri? - Zed asked and his voice became hoarse.

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