The day it all began

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There are days in your life that you will never forget , and days you just want to forget, but the day Caiti was born was the greatest of day of my life, her mother and I were over the moon and it was the beginning of my most wonderful and sometimes frightening adventure. My name is Brendan and my wife is Ana , an everyday average family , nothing special about us, except our wonderful daughter Caiti, the joy and the love of our lives, but that's enough of the soppy shite, I think you get the drift of what I'm saying, and so it was that like any normal family we had our ups and downs , highs and lows , times together and times apart , it was a weekend in November , Caiti had a soccer tournament and as it was a friendly tournament, Ana and I decided to take some time for us and get to the DIY store, get one of those always put off , mundane jobs around the house done once and for all, we drove to the city and at the store realized that the car was not going to be enough to transport everything, so I decided to rent a trailer , any experience with towing a trailer ? The short fat and to old looking for his age assistant asked me , to which I proudly and indignantly replied , sure , a lie, but as I considered myself to be a great driver ( what man doesn't if we're honest ) I hired the trailer to carry our newly purchased wardrobes home, as I pulled out of the parking lot I was doing fine, easy peasy I thought to myself , what's all the fuss , we drove through the city heading for the motorway , as it was the quickest way to get home, and as we had so much to do, I thought it best , as we pulled onto the motorway it was clear , almost no traffic and a straight road home, we chatted and Ana told me her plans , most of which I knew would be my job, but it made her happy and I accepted it as part of my job as a husband and father , and to be honest, I liked that she treated me as the man of the house , it felt good , as we drove and talked it was nice , we laughed and I felt happy, we wondered how Caiti was doing and if she was playing well ? And hoped she was winning , friendly tournament or not, she hated to lose and I loved that she was that way, life is easier if you have a winning mentality, then like a bolt of lighting it happened, suddenly a crosswind caught the trailer and we began to sway uncontrollably, Ana clutched at the door handle and screamed my name , at that moment I thought why are you screaming but it got worse , I tried to steer against the swerving, but I just seemed to make it worse all of a sudden panic began to grip me the car was leaving the ground on one side I hit the brakes harder than I should have and we flipped, it rolled and rolled and then nothing but darkness .
Ana , Ana !! Are you ok baby ? She turned to look at me, strangely we were both standing, and there wasn't a mark on her! Oh thank god was my first thought ! Your ok, we're ok ! Thank god .. but how ? We were in the car , it rolled , was I dreaming , I don't understand ? I looked around me, behind me I seen the accident, it looked really bad, how did we survive that .. we didn't , Ana said, What I said, look she said, and as I turned there was a light and a man standing , he looked like he was waiting for us , who's he I asked her? I think he's an angel she said, fuck off said I ! Why the fuck would there be an angel , we're fine ! No Bren, we're not she said, Ana stop I said , your freaking me out now ! Don't be afraid we're his first words to us, nothing more can hurt you now ? Listen I said to him, no disrespect, but I'm talking to my missus so if you don't mind , he seemed ( to me anyway ) to smile, and said it's time , time for what ? Time for fuckin what I said, getting annoyed that I was the only one not understanding what the fuck was going on here ? Oh my god Brendan I think we're dead Ana said ! What ? Fuck off Ana ! We aren't dead ! Stop talking crazy ! It's time .. he said it again ! You need to stop that shit I said to him , staring at him, but his expression remained calm, almost tranquil if that's even a possibility.. your time here is over, it's time to go .. my stomach turned ! My head exploded and my heart was hurting .. It's time to go , Ana took my hand as he began to turn and took a step towards him, as we began to take the second step I stopped and held Ana's hand and said Caiti ! Ana stopped , then he stopped .. there was a pause, as if he waited for us to continue to follow him , then as we did not move, he turned with a strange expression on his face and said it's time to go. I looked at Ana and held her hand tighter, and once again said Caiti ! She looked at me with a bewildered look on her face , we can't go I said , what will she do without us ? He began to say it's ti.. No I said ! It's not ! We can't , everyone must he said, ok I said fine , but not now ! I took a step back , Ana stood , as if glued to the spot , he looked confused now and moved a step forward , it seems to pull at us and I looked at Ana and Said Caiti !! And she with a great deal of effort took a step back I pulled her close to me , the light grew dimmer and the man began to fade .. he turned one last time and then he was gone ..

Ana ? Ana ! I'm here , it was dark and we were standing in the middle of a road , where are we I asked ? Lights came at us and we began to wave , hoping someone would stop to tell us where we were ? Or take us home ? As they came closer we waved for them to stop , they were moving fast , did they see us ? Ana let's move to the side , he's not stopping ! As we did another set of lights were coming in the other direction Shit were in the middle of the road ! Oh god ! There not stopping we tried to move and then they hit us ! we both screamed like little girls at a pop concert ! I'm sure it must have looked and sounded hilarious ! But they went straight through us ! WTF ??? We looked at each other , Ana I think we're dead , I think we're fucking ghosts !!!

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