Keeping it under wraps, hmmm?

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We were at this for hours, trying and trying again and again, it didn't seem to get better, or worse, but what we wrote was legible and our excitement of having found a way to talk to Caiti was indescribable! What time does she get home ? What day is it Ana asked ? No idea I said, I haven't a clue ? Wow me neither said Ana , then we heard the door and foot steps on the stairs running , the door flew open and there she was, flushed from running and smiling , Dad? Mama ? Are you here ? We both moved to her and touched her face, thank god she said ! I was worried all day you would be gone , show her I said to Ana , my excitement bursting ! Ana walked to the mirror , I moved to Caiti and tried to communicate to her to look at the mirror ( easier said than done ! ) I first touched her, so she would know I was there, dad she said smiling, I slowly turned around in her arms and instinctively she began to turn , you want me to turn around dad ? Or are you trying to dance with me ? She laughed then stood perfectly still and stared, Ana had been at work on the mirror, and I smiled when I seen the heart on the mirror , Caiti began to cry and said did you do that mama ? Ana moved to her and touched her face, Caiti said so you can hear me ? I moved to the mirror and fogging it up again ( much to Caiti's delight as she seen the mirror steaming up ) and I wrote YES !

Mirrors began to pop up everywhere, Caiti positioned them strategically, so wherever she was , we could talk to her, it was brilliant, then one day she came home from school and said, mama , dad , you have to leave the room and no peaking i want to surprise you with something , ok :) Ana wrote on the mirror beside the door -and we left the room , what's she doing in there I asked impatiently! For gods sake Brendan it's only been 5 minutes! It's not like we're in a rush to go anywhere is it ! No, I suppose not, I said, but still wondering why it was taking so long ?
Then after an eternity ( 14 minutes Ana reminded me ! ) Caiti called us to come in , as we entered the room we both just stood there, amazed and emotional, she had completely covered the wall beside her bed with photos of me and her mother, some together, some alone, some with the three of us, holiday photos, wedding photos, football photos it was all there, we both began to well up and as if she sensed it, Caiti said I bet Dad will be bawling first and laughed with delight as her mother wrote YEP ! on the mirror, I know you are here, but I want to see you when we talk, and I want to ask you something ? anything! Ana wrote , how come you are still here? Don't get me wrong! I am so happy you are ! But how ?
Ana had to blow hard for this answer, so it wouldn't fade before she could write it , because your Dad is the cleverest and bravest man ! She blew again and wrote, and he would not leave you! Caiti had tears in her eyes, and said Thanks Dad.
I blew on the mirror and wrote, so is everything ok with you ? School ? Etc..?
It's easier because your still here, in a way, but I wish you were here like normal ,
I know sweetheart, but this is the best I could do :) she smiled, and said, But what I really wanted to ask was, do you think we should tell auntie Annie about you both ?

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