Shizun's Classroom Experience

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Happy Valentine's Day!
(NSFW! Anal Sex, Fingering etc.)
(TW: Slight mention of past sexual trauma)

In the bright afternoon light, soft whimpers filled a recently emptied classroom, drawn out by ravenous, hungry kisses. Laying sprawled on a mat on the bamboo floors, Bai Yusheng clutched to Saalah anywhere they could, kissing him with unrestrained, desperate passion. They let out soft gasps as their painted lips were nipped, the rouge smudged scandalously and lightly tinting Saalah's mouth, cheeks, and shoulders. Teasing hands roamed over their fine robes that gaped open, lighting a fire in Bai Yusheng's body that they desperately needed to be quenched.

They truly had not meant for all this to happen. It all started the night before. The two had been entwined together on the bed in Bai Yusheng's private quarters, both close to their peaks as they clutched to each other in their passion. It had been then that Saalah, lost to his pleasure and strictly out of habit, had groaned out, "Shizun, you look so perfect under me like this," instead of using their proper name.

Bai Yusheng wished they could say they had felt nothing. They desperately wished they could say it immediately doused their desire, or maybe brought a chuckle to them before they gently chastised him for calling them by Shizun in bed, as they had both discussed it was a strange idea to begin with and had only used each other's names or pet names in bed. Truly, Bai Yusheng wished this had been something the two had laughed off and never spoke of again.

That, however, was not how it happened...

Bai Yusheng had immediately reacted, a sharp moan passing their lips, a shock to their own ears, as they came on the spot. Their cheeks were flushed, as they clung to Saalah through their sudden orgasm, panting into his neck and hiding their growing embarrassment. Saalah had been so shocked by this sudden turn he lost his rhythm, cumming soon after in response to their body milking his own, working his way through his own orgasm. Both had been in a stupor for a long moment, neither one wishing to truly discuss what had just transpired. It was Saalah who first recovered, pulling out gently before falling onto his side in a fit of rumbling laughter. Bai Yusheng was truly stricken, covering their face and groaning into their hands. They turned away from him to hide their shamelessness.

Saalah had gathered the flustered master into his arms, chuckling into their shoulder even as he pressed kisses to it, coaxing them out of the ball they had curled into to rain kisses on their bright red face.

"Did you like that, Yusheng?" He asked with a grin, tangling a finger in their white hair and tugging lightly to keep them from hiding again.

"Saalah, I told you not to call me Shizun in bed. You promised," Bai Yusheng whined in response. This only brought more laughter from the man beside them, and they couldn't help but pout.

"I didn't mean to, Yusheng, I swear. You did seem to really like that though," Saalah teased, stroking a hand down over their stomach to gather the cum that painted it and bringing it to his lips for a taste, winking. Bai Yusheng had felt a shock of arousal flood their system at the sight, but pointedly ignored it.

"I do not want to associate my title with sex. What if I think about it during class? So shameless..." They shook their head and sighed.

"We will count it as a one off thing. After a few days you'll forget all about it," Saalah reassured, rolling onto his back and tugging Bai Yusheng over to tuck their head by his heart. "I promise to pay more attention to how I call you in bed, if it truly bothers you. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you, Saalah," they murmured lightly before a yawn escaped them and both fell asleep.

That night was still fresh on their mind in the morning, and they hurried them both through their morning routine to avoid any temptation. Class had begun early as usual, and Bai Yusheng had decided to focus on a lecture about history and philosophy. Most found it to be either dull or fascinating. There was no inbetween. Personally, Bai Yusheng enjoyed the topic, and it felt safe, as it was the FARTHEST thing from sex that they could imagine.

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