Midsummer's Night Dream

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“Oh, here they come! My two favourite people! Good morning. Can I get you both a piping hot cup of tea while breakfast is prepared?” The singsong voice chirped into the relative quiet of the tavern floor. Many guests were out, but they spoke quietly among themselves as the hour was early and the sound of crickets could still be faintly heard. Serinity stood behind the lavish bar mixing early morning drinks for the more adventurous patrons as she beamed at the two who had just descended the ballroom stairs. 

“Good Morning, Serinity,” Bai Yusheng greeted pleasantly, their arm tucked in Saalah’s. The man beside them did not look quite as awake. Saalah much preferred the afternoon hours, yet this did not phase Serinity at all. The succubus cleared off a spot for the two as they approached. “A cup of tea sounds lovely. However, I believe Saalah might need something a little stronger today. Perhaps coffee?” The immortal tugged at the arm that stubbornly clung to theirs, with a gentle smile. 

“Coffee sounds good.” His words were strained, and he leaned into the tug, letting his head topple on Bai Yusheng’s shoulder as he let out a deep, pained sigh. 

Serenity took a glance at Bai Yusheng and rose a brow, a teasing smirk beginning to play across her lips. The succubus braced her elbows on the bar and propped her chin in her hand. Leaning in towards her son, she poked at his cheek, drawing an annoyed groan from him. 

“Saalah, I believe you’re grumpier than usual this morning. Did you not get enough sleep, hm? I wonder what could have kept you up all night.” 

“Serinity!” Saalah barked with a quick cough to cover how his voice cracked. “It is too early for this...this…” He had pulled up off of Bai Yusheng’s shoulder, and they sighed fondly, stroking his hand. Saalah ran a hand down his face just as Lada approached. She nudged Serinity out of the way with a hip as she set down two steaming cups and a bowl of fresh fruit. 

“Lada,” Serinity hummed,throwing her arms around the woman’s neck. It was a testament to her balance that the tray in her hand didn’t come crashing down. 

“Stop teasing him, Serry. There are orders at the bar counter for you.” Despite her rather stern tone, Lada turned her head and pressed a kiss to the red head's cheek. Serinity took advantage of the opportunity and turned to catch her lips before releasing her. 

“The bar isn’t going to run itself. I know, I know. Ah, but Yusheng, Saalah, I do have a favor to ask of the two of you! You do know what day is coming up, right?” 

Bai Yusheng watched the affectionate display with a smile. Saalah had released their arm to simply hold their hand as he picked up his coffee, taking a long draw from it. When Serinity turned her attention back to them, Bai Yusheng chuckled and nodded. “That would be the Midsummer festival. Did DaJie have plans she wished to share?” Serinity had picked the shaker up and began shaking a Bloody Mary for a rather hung over looking patron across the way. 

“I do,” she hummed, passing off the drink. “The town just across the veil always throws such a splendid festival. They are always very kind and invite us every year. I thought that perhaps Bai Yusheng could grace us and perform on the Pipa. And Saalah,” Serinity tapped a nail on the bar in front of him, drawing his attention to her. “Would you be willing to accompany Bai Yusheng? I haven’t heard you sing in such a long time. I am sure the two of you would make a great show.” 

Bai Yusheng rose a brow and turned to look at their lover whose face had begun to flush. “Ah, about that. I don’t know if that would be a great idea. I don’t know that I would be able to accompany the pipa well. Also, I haven’t performed in years. Best not.” 

“Saalah, you didn’t tell me you could sing,” Bai Yusheng said, drawing his attention over to them now. “You are always so quiet during the musical training.” Long fingers slid back through his dark hair as Saalah chuckled a little nervously. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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