Holiday Chai

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Tw: Mentions of past sexual trauma

“We’re back, everyone? How are we holding up?” Serinity’s voice called from the front entrance as she shucked off her large fur cloak and hung it up to dry. Her husband, Johnson, tall and imposing at a glance with his blonde hair braided back out of the way and his face and neck marked with faded scars, followed behind her, his tanned arms piled high with logs. He made his way over to the fireplace that had begun to dwindle, dutifully rekindling the flame. Gathered around were blanket bundles of varying size, and shape. It was the largest lump that spoke first, curled closest to the fire for maximum warmth. 

“Welcome back, DaJie. I take it the trip went well?” It was Bai Yusheng who spoke, their head peeking up from a pile of blankets. It was the only part of them visible aside from their hands which held another set of larger, darker hands between them, rubbing and warming them as they held them by the fire. Saalah sat behind them, impossibly tangled up with the immortal master under the blankets, his legs around their waist and his head dropped down on their shoulder, shivering occasionally. 

“Kind of,” Serinity offered with a sigh. She took the bags she had brought over to the candle lit bar and began setting them out. “What a terrible time for the power to go out! We managed to check on the townsfolk and gave them plenty of blankets and furs. Lada and Kisho are getting water to bring to them now so they’ll be stocked up.” The succubus griped as she made her way into the kitchen and rummaged around for her cauldron. “Ah, I need someone to take this out and fill it with water for me.”

“I c-can go,” a voice piped up from one of the couch bundles. Li Jun unfolded himself from the couch where he sat pressed up next to Xiu Ying. “I can get water, DaJie. Saalah should probably stay inside…” He turned slightly to the jumbled mess that was his honorable master and their partner who wrapped around them, shivering miserably. 

“Ah, Saalah, how are you holding up?” Serinity asked, handing the cauldron off to Li Jun and going over to crouch beside him, resting a hand on his back. 

“I’m f-fine.” Saalah managed through chattering teeth. He sighed in relief when Johnson got the fire leaping to life again, pressing his and Bai Yusheng’s joined hands closer to the sweet heat. 

“I knew Shidi was a Naga and shared traits with snakes in general, but I never guessed this would be one,” Xiu Ying spoke up, giving a sympathetic look to the young man. “Should we get another blanket?”

“It will be fine, Xiu Ying. Thank you for your concern,” Bai Yusheng replied kindly. “Dajie will get some soup and hot tea started soon and that will help immensely.” Saalah nodded against their shoulder and they reached a hand back to stroke his dark hair. 

“How far did you get in decorating before the power went out, Yingying?” Serinity asked, turning to the girl and smiling. Li Jun arrived with the pot, setting it by Johnson who took it and put it on its hook over the fireplace to let it warm. 

“We were so close to finishing, Dajie!” Xiu Ying lamented with a sigh, scooting back up next to Li Jun when he returned to the couch. “We were adding the gingerbread decorations we made today, and then we just had to add the star. What rotten luck! We won’t get to see the tree lit up tonight.” She pouted and Li Jun reached out to pat her shoulder with a smile. 

“It’s okay, Shimei. Surely the power will be back on by tomorrow. Then we can light the tree on the eve of the solstice.” Li Jun offered, and her pout turned into a blush. 

“I guess you’re right. Still, this snow just won’t stop. Is the town really going to be okay?”

“This is very common. We make sure they are more than prepared for when winter comes, and everyone takes care of each other there. If they have any problems they know how to reach me.” Serinity replied, taking over for Johnson at the cauldron. 

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