11. real life

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the marvel actor didn't have to look hard in the airport to find his dorky brother.
chris, wearing sunglasses a hoodie and a nasa hat, was at the airport in boston finally seeing his family again after a long wait.

the two brothers reunited, making their way to the car they catches up on what's happened in both their lives and the family members.
after getting home, greeting everyone and talking for a couple hours, chris crashed in his bed.

"jetlag" his mother said as she walked out the room that held a sleeping chris, with scott.

when chris woke up again, it was early morning. the sun was peaking out and chris decided to go out for breakfast and grab everyone food.

he got out his glasses and nasa hat with a tee shirt and gray sweats, thinking no one important would see him.

boy was he wrong.

as chris entered the little cafe where he usually got breakfast out - it helped that not many people knew this place existed - he saw a familiar figure waiting in line to order.
the women's shoulders were hunched and she was running her hands on her face, obviously looking tired. the mid length brunette hair was so painfully familiar to him he couldn't help but to step up to the women.

"are you-" devon was slapped out of her trace of her phone when a man stepped next to her, the deep voice shocked her and she jumped.

"jesusfuckingchrist you scared me" devon says freakishly fast, she stumbled a little but grabbed onto chris's arm for a second to compose herself.

she waited until chris stopped laughing, to then ask.
"what were you saying?"

"i was asking if you live here or are doing business" chris says

"neither, i'm meeting up with someone"
and you would think that someone would have the decency to take some time off while i was here, devon thought.

"oh good good"

not really wanted to stop talking to chris, she started making god awful small talk.

"do you come to this cafe usually when you're in boston?"

"yeah, not many places you can get away with sunglasses and hats" chris said bringing a tight smile to devons face as she does relate.

before devon could reply, it was her turn to order her food. just getting an iced coffee with a small pastry, she then moved to a secluded table in the back of the cafe.

chris finished off ordering his food, his order taking more time than others because he ordered for the household, so he had to wait.

he caught a seat near devon close enough that he would be able to talk to her but if they didn't talk it wouldn't be awkward.

devon was typing fast on her phone, concentrated hard on it when she saw chris's eyes starring at her.
she looked over at him and he suddenly got embarrassed.

"sorry, you just have something here" he pointed to his collarbone.
devon knew exactly what he was talking about and rubbed the spot there softly.

"yeah it's a bruise from shooting. the stunts are pretty intense in marvel" chris laughed at that.

"i'm on season two" chris says, playing with scott's car keys in his hand.


"on your show. agents of shield, right?" chris tried to act clueless but he was failing miserably at the 'cool hot guy' act.

devons mouth turned into an 'o' and she nods at him.
"how do you like it?"

"it's good, a lot of stuff happening at once but keeps you on the edge of your seat. and god, fitzsimmons just need to be together already"

after that, devons face lighted up and they went on a full conversation about the show, marvel, the writers of marvel and stunts.

chris was captured by devons enthusiasm. always keeping a smile on her face and her eyes glowed bright.
chris, at some point, went over to devons table and just listened to her go on.
he was soothed by her voice and was entranced.

when chris heard his code name for restaurants, coffee shops, etc being yelled, he was dreading leaving devon.

"that's me, i gotta go. but it was fun talking to you. you don't see a pretty face like yours all the time" chris's neck turned red and hot after he let that compliment slip his mouth.

he wasn't usually as flirty, but devon brought something out in him

"you never know, with our luck, we will see each other next month"

chris left the cafe with a smirk on his face and butterfly's in his stomach. looking out in his car he saw devon looking at him getting into the car and she waved at him lightly, and he waved back.

devon hoped she wouldn't run out of luck.


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