Chapter 15

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The next morning Colin wakes up first. Jen’s still sleeping in his arms with a small smile on her face and happy. The sight gives Colin a smile of his own. Today they'd spend the day together at home, before they had to part ways until dinner. She moves in his arms, waking just a little, "Colin?"

"Mmh?" he kisses her cheek to let her know he’s there.

"Oh, good morning," she says when she hears his voice, waking even more.


She looks up and kisses his lips, "You know what?" She sits up on her elbows.

"What?" he kisses her softly again, not being able to resist.

"I want pancakes!" she faces him with a wide smile and pokes his middle, tickling him.

He chuckles. "Yeah?" he asks, kissing her nose.

"Yup," she puts her arms around him, making herself go on top of him a little. "Make me some?"

Colin chuckles and wrap his arms around her as well. "Mhm. I'd love to. Should I put chocolate chips in them?”

She makes it seem like she's considering it, then says, "Yes!" She kisses his lips once tries to get up. But he sits up with her in his arms and holds her tight to him. He nuzzles his face into her neck and kisses the skin there.

“I love you so damn much,” his breath tickles her neck and she giggles. He lets her go after one more kiss.

Extremely satisfied by how happy the engagement has made, Colin heads downstairs to make breakfast while she showers.


They spend the day together, watching movies in their room, cuddling and kissing all throughout. Colin doesn't dare push it further, knowing how happy she is now and not wanting to give her any kind of reminder. She nearly falls asleep in his arms at one point, and he distracts her with another kiss. Not too long has passed before she's got to get ready to go. She finds another dress, a blue one that she knows he loves, and slips it on for tonight. He's still watching movies when she comes out of the bathroom, hair curled, her eyes sparkling blue.

He smiles wide when he sees her, getting up. "You never cease to amaze me." He grins, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

She smiles shyly and looks down as she blushes, "thank you," she says softly.

He smiles, gently tilting her chin up and giving her a kiss. "I'll see you later. Alright?"

"Yup," she looks up and gives him his favorite smile. "I'm so happy we get to tell them in person of-" she holds out her hand to finish what she was saying. "My mom will want a big wedding, you know," she blushes a little more.

He smiles wider and it reaches his vibrant blue eyes. "We can do whatever you'd like."

She nods, "I want that. Especially because it's you," she whispers. "We've got time," she says and finally looks up. "I have to go," she continues, her voice still soft.

He smiles and nods. "Drive safely. Text me when you get there, okay?"

"Yeah, six thirty okay?" she reminds him. She had an hour to grab a couple presents for Julia and her mom.

He nods. "I'll be there,” he kisses her for like the hundredth time that day. "See you soon."

She kisses him too, "see you," she walks out of his arms, takes her purse from the dresser and goes out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door.

Colin gets dressed and as he’s nearly ready to leave, he gets a call from Helen. It's a little emergency and she needs him to watch the kids. He knows he has plans with Jen, but he has to help Helen out. He’d promised. And after all, they are his kids. He quickly texts Jen and tells her to call him if she'd like and that he's sorry about canceling on such short notice before he makes his way to Helens house.

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