Chapter 6

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 They go to Starbucks, and spend the afternoon together, but mostly out of sight. Late afternoon, in his car, they head back to her house. She didn't go back to set for her car. He'd pick her up the next morning. And this is how their routine went for a good amount of weeks. At some point in the middle of that time, he moved in with her. No one on set thought anything more was going on than the fact that Colin was divorcing Helen. Jennifer acted very neutral about it all. If anything, she seldom spoke to him in public or laughed at something he had said. At home, it was all completely different for them. But today, he was getting the divorce papers signed by Helen, so he had to go over to his former home again.

Colin quickly kisses Jennifer goodbye and grabs his key, getting in the car and driving to Helen's. He was glad everything had worked out. He had hurt the least amount of people possible. He just had to get this over with.

Jennifer watched him leave. Then she went with Ava up to her room to watch Netflix or something. She had been happy with him these weeks, and now that the divorce was finalizing, soon she could be with him in public.

Colin arrives at Helen's house very soon. Not delaying it, he gets out of his car and goes to knock on the door. Helen is expecting Colin and the divorce papers. She just needed to sign this and there would be no more marriage. She opens when she hears his knock. "Come in," she says and heads to the study. He smiles politely and nods, following her.

Once there, she takes a seat. Colin says, "So all you need to do is sign some things, okay?"

Helen hesitates, and suddenly appears nervous. "Hey? I have to tell you something." She needs to tell him before she signs those papers. But she's scared to. He has a good thing going with Jennifer, and Helen cares too much for Colin to ruin that. But she can't keep it to herself.

He furrows his brows, but looks at her with a soft smile. "Of course, what is it?" he asks a little confused. What would she need to tell him?

She takes a deep breath. "I'm still gonna sign the papers, I just need you to know something. And this doesn't change anything. We don't have to stay married," she hesitates to continue. "Sit, please.”

He does as he’s told. "W-What is it....?" he asks concerned.

Once again, Helen takes a deep breath. "Nothing's gonna change. But Colin," she leans forward a little, resting her elbows on the desk and putting her face in her hands, "I'm pregnant.”

"Oh my...." Colin closes his eyes and mimics her position. “Pregnant? Are you sure?" he whispers after a while.

"Yes," she responds. She looks up and sees a torn, beautiful man in front of her. One that she cares for yet doesn't love. One that she's carrying a child of... "I made sure before I told you. Colin, I'm sorry," she says softly.

"W-I…I can't just leave you alone to take care of a baby. I'm already leaving you with one child. I..." he speaks quickly, then bites his lips in, not knowing what to do. "Oh my gosh..." 

"Yes you can. I'm not going to let you stay. We both don't love each other. But I love our children. We can take turns with Evan, of course. I can take care of this baby. You don't need to worry about me. Just-It's gonna be alright, really." she lets out the breath she had been holding, glad that the truth is out, but regretting seeing how conflicted Colin is.

"Are you positive?" Colin asks softly, after thinking for a moment, "I don't want this to be too much for you. I may not love you, but I still care about you,” he says.

"I'm sure,” she nods, "Are you okay?”

"Yeah,” he sighs, “I guess so. I'll visit, though.”

"Okay, give me the papers," she says, ready to sign them.

He nods and does so. She takes them and signs all she needs to. "You'll be the judge of who you tell, but it's not an issue, since we can't really be together.  It will just be me having a baby,” she shrugs, "Are you sure you're okay, I didn't want to make you feel bad." Even though she knew this wasn't going to go well.

He nods. "I'm okay. I mean, of course I’m not mad about it. But if you need any help or support at all you let me know, okay?" he says before signing as well.

"Yes, I will," she nods, "I'll just need you to care for Evan when I have to go for checkups, you know? That's all."

Colin nods slightly, "I’m happy to take care of him anytime."

"Okay," she gets up. "Do you want to see him before you leave? You haven't in a while..." she says, looking a little sad at that realization.

He nods. "Yes please. I'd like that,” he responds softly.

She smiles slightly and heads upstairs to Evan’s room. Colin follows behind. "He'll be so happy to see you,” she says as she opens the door. Colin steps in and sees a sleeping Evan in his crib.

He goes over to Evans crib and picks him up and kisses his forehead. "Hey buddy,” he whispers. Evan moves a little and wakes slowly. He's old enough to know his dad. He smiles at Colin, his eyes are now wide open. Evan’s sleepy, but smiling at his dad. "Since I haven't spent time with him, mind if I drop him off later? I'd like to take him to the park or something," he says. Helen considers it for a moment. "Yeah just-" she stops. It's not like Jennifer hasn't been around Evan and Colin before. "Yeah it's alright. Go ahead." she smiles reassuringly.

"You sure?" he smiles a little, holding Evan close.

"Oh, Yeah," she nods and fixes up Evan's bag. "Bring him back not too late, okay?" She asks.

He nods. "Of course,” he smiles, taking the bag.

Soon, he's out of the house with Evan. And he doesn't want to do anything but be with him. The park isn’t much fun to a baby who can barely walk. Colin heads back to Jennifer's house.

Jennifer's with Ava still, she'd fallen asleep there watching TV in bed. But she wakes when she hears the doorbell ring. Knowing it’s Colin, she rushes to open for him.

Colin is standing at the door with Evan in his arms. He kisses the top of Jennifer’s head and walks in with a soft smile. "Hey,” he says softly.

"Hello there," she smiles back. She turns to Evan and her voice turns sweeter as she says, "Hi, Evan. Nice seeing you here." She closes the door and follows as Colin makes his way to the couch. "Everything alright, Colin?" she asks him as she goes over and sits next to him.

He nods. "Yes. But I have to tell you something. Don't worry, though. Promise me that?” he asks, then sighs. He’d decided he had to tell her, it would feel wrong otherwise.

She turns to face him. "Tell me what?" she says cautiously. What could have possibly gone wrong?

He takes a deep breath. “Helen's pregnant..." his voice is soft and barely audible, "She's about two or three months into the pregnancy. But we figured everything out. I talked to her, made sure that she didn't need anything. I told her if she needed any help to come to me. But she's okay to have this baby. I just… I needed to tell you, but I don't want you to feel bad about this."

As she hears this, slowly her face turns more serious. Her eyes tear up but she doesn't cry. "Helen's pregnant?" She mutters, not having heard anything he said after that. She doesn't even know how she should feel or what she should think. Her tears cloud her vision, perhaps the feeling is her hope ending. "Colin, I can't do this to you, to her!" She puts her face in her hands. Her tears finally fall.


Hey, again! I'm so impatient for the next few chapters! I can't wait for you all to see the story develop! But hey, Helen's pregnant... what did you think of this chapter?

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