Chapter 13

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Jennifer sleeps soundly through the night. The next morning, she’s awakened by a sleepy Evan, who's asking for his mom. She goes to him so Colin won't wake but Evan wants his mom, not Jen.

"Mommy! Want mommy!" Evan yells.

Yawning and rubbing his eyes, Colin sits up, "Hmm?"

Jen walks to Colin, "He wants Helen,” she says, her face a mix of hurt and worry.

"Evan, mommy is busy with your sister right now." Colin gets up and takes Evan from his crib. While Evan still wants his mom, he's alright with his dad. He just didn't want Jen right now. Of course this only made Jen sad, only made her wish she had her own child even more—one that didn't have a different mom and would only cry for her.

Once Evan was eating and watching TV downstairs, Colin went back to Jen. "You okay?" he asks, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess," she shrugs. "Are we going to see Helen today?"

Colin nods. "Yeah, you don't have to come though."

"Oh? I wanted to..." she says softly

"You may, then," he smiles.

"Do you want me to come? I understand if you don't… I mean, it's your family," she shrugs again like she doesn't care

"No, it's okay. Come," he smiles crookedly and kisses her cheek.

"Alright," one corner of her mouth turns up into a half smile. "I think we should go downstairs...Evan."

He nods. Let eat first, then we can get ready?"

“Yeah,” she nods and heads downstairs.

Once Colin gets breakfast ready and served, he sits next to Jennifer. “I don't believe I got a proper kiss this morning?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure I gave you a kiss," she laughs slightly.

He shakes his head with a silent chuckle, taking her face in his hands and bringing her lips to his. "Good morning," he whispers against her lips.

"Hmm..." she pulls him back to her, "now I want a proper kiss," she whispers before kissing him harder, longer. When she breaks it to catch her breath she whispers, "Good morning, babe."

"Good morning, my love," he whispers, and then presses his lips to her temple.

Jen puts her head on his shoulder briefly. Then they get to eating and getting ready to go visit Helen. In no longer than an hour, they're driving to her house, his old house. The drive is very short. Jen is nervous; she doesn't really know how it'll go for her. When they get there and park outside, she hesitates in getting out.

"You okay?" Colin asks her as he gets Evan out of his car seat.

"Yeah," Jennifer sighs, "just nervous, I guess." Helen's never really seen Colin and Jen together like they are now. And just his baby would be so hard for Jen to handle. But she wanted to do this, so she gets out of the car.

"It'll be okay." he says softly as he takes her hand and they make their way to the door.

Colin knocks and Helen doesn't take too long to answer, she had been expecting them. "Hey, come in," she says, not really taking notice of everything going on—the  worry on Jen's face, the way Colin and Jen stood so close to each other and that Evan did not take his eyes away from Jen even though his mom was right there. The baby girl must be inside somewhere, as Helen is empty handed.

Colin smiles and puts Evan down once they get in, going to Helen for friendly hug. Their divorce ended on a good note, and he was glad. "How are you? And how's Madison?"

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