No More Pain

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I was sleeping until i heard some loud ass nosies. They were coming from downstairs. I expected it to be Aunty and a couple of her friends; but it wasn't. I decided to go downstairs and see what was all the commotion about. Once i went downstairs, i was even more upset. The person that was laughing with Aunty was my mom who by the way I haven't seen since i was only 3 years old.

Me: What the hell is she doing here?

Aunty: We were just talking.

Me: About?

Aunty: It's none of your business.

Me: Why would  you bring her here? You knew what type of pain i was in when she was gone.

Aunty: I know and i'm sorry.

Merecedes: Maybe i should go.

Me: Yea, maybe you should.

Aunty: Latoya!!

Me: She wanted to.....

I paused because of my morning sickness. I ran upstairs to the bathroom. Once i finished i came back downstairs to continue what i was saying.

Me: She said she wanted to go anyways.

Aunty: But that does not give you the right to kick her out. She's your mother.

Me: She was my mother. Not anymore.

Then i went back upstairs to my room.....crying!

~Aunty's POV~

Me: Mercedes I'm so sorry.

Merecedes: It's okay. I know a way to gain her trust in me once agin.

Me: Really!?! How?

Merecedes: Just tell her that her friends wants to meet at the cafe in one hour. That way she has no chance to leave and hear my explaination.

Me: Fine.

Merecedes: See you later.

Then she left.

~End of Aunty POV~

I was upstairs crying my eyes out. I was so mad that she actually came back, then Aunty called me downstairs

Me: What!?!

Aunty: Tekeysia came over and told me to tell you; to meet her at the cafe in one hour.

Me: Fine!

I continued upstairs and took a quick shower. Then i changed into one of my favorite outfits:

Then, i left to the cafe. Once i arrived i didn't see Tekeysia or DeAndra. I was suspicious. But there was one person that i saw that i want to see. It was Merecedes.

Me: Oh no?

Merecedes: I know i'm the last person you expected to see.

Me: You think!

Merecedes: But i wanted to explain why i came back. Can we just talk?

Me: Okay?

We sat down at a table.

Merecedes: Ask me any question.

Me: Why now?

Merecedes: I wanted to come see you on your 9th birthday. But your aunty insisted that i was still on drugs. But i wasn't. I kept trying and trying to see you; but your aunt wouldn't let me see you.

Me: You know what, i did see you on my 9th, 11th, 14th, and 18th birthday. Were you the lady that the cops were arresting?

Merecedes: Yea, that was me. So i decided to come back to you when i had my life together. That way, i wouldn't be coming back asking for help. 

Me: I can't believe Aunty!

Merecedes: Well, don't blame your aunt, she wanted what was best for you.

Me: Yea! But i would've liked to see you just at least once.

Merecedes: Oh yea, congratulations!

Me: For what?

Merecedes: You're pregnancy and your enagagment.

I was shocked that she knew of all of this.

Me: How did you know?

Merecedes: I saw the ring on the ring finger. Plus, you were running upstairs about to vomit. Right?

Me: Yea. Thanks Mom!

I guess she was surprised that i said that.

Mom: You called me mom.

Me: Yea because now i know everything now. 

Mom: Okay, when's the wedding.

Me: Next weekend Saturday.

Mom: Have you prepared it yet.

Me: No actually.

Mom: How about you let me do it. That's what i do for a living now.

Me: I don't know.

Mom: Trust me, you won't have to pay me or anything.

Me: Promise.

Mom: Promise

We pinky swore. Then she noticed something.

Mom: I see that you still wore the heart locket i gave you for your 3rd birthday.

Me: Yea. it was the only piece that i had of you. Mom i missed you so much.

I gave her a hug crying my eyes out. I was happy to see her for 17 years. (I'm 20).

Then we left in my car.


I told mom that she could stay with us until morning. Then she said that she had no clothes i let her borrow mine. We were about the some size. We had alot of fun together again. I can't wait until i see the look on her face when i get married. Then we all fell asleep.

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