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35 minutes into the journey and the scenery finally changes from leafy green streets to a bit more city like. Master drives past the SS Great Britain, I see the Clifton suspension bridge before we pull into an expensive block of flats. Master goes into the indoor parking and through a set of gates at one end "this is my garage - it has a lift straight up to my flat for privacy"

"Amazing master, means I can stay hidden"

He nods and laughs, getting out the car and grabbing the bigger bags, I smile and take the smaller ones before following him to the lift and smiling as he puts his key against the lift to go up to the floor.

"A key is needed to get into the garage, a different one to get into the lift and then another one to get into the flat. The flat also has a security doorbell with camera if someone knocks on the door and direct links to security in the lobby if need be. There's also two front doors - one to this lift in a porch and then another to the other access for the general lifts"

I smile, relax and nod smiling as the doors open to a foyer type room, I see the two front doors and the security camera and relax instantly. Master unlocks the door and I walk in behind him.
"The first door on the right is my office, the one infront of us is the spare room, then to the left you've got the kitchen, living, dining room and my bedroom. Now do you want to sleep in with me or the guest room? I'm completely fine with both."

I pause for a moment to think before responding softly "maybe the guest room for now master? Just until I get settled?" He smiles and nods, leading the way to the guest room "of course Lilly that's fine

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I pause for a moment to think before responding softly "maybe the guest room for now master? Just until I get settled?"
He smiles and nods, leading the way to the guest room "of course Lilly that's fine."

I smile as I walk into the room, looking round and quickly unpacking my stuff whilst master sits on the bed and watches me. It doesn't take long for me to finish then we head to the living room and I look round, smiling and sitting on the sofa whilst I look at the view of the suspension bridge through the window, wanting to see it in the daylight rather than the sunset.

 It doesn't take long for me to finish then we head to the living room and I look round, smiling and sitting on the sofa whilst I look at the view of the suspension bridge through the window, wanting to see it in the daylight rather than the sunset

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"It's so pretty master" "it's an amazing view isn't it Lilly, how about we order some food and just chill out tonight?" I smile and agree and master goes onto UberEats and gets food from a local Italian. Whilst he orders the food I head to my bedroom and change into some comfier clothes, making sure to keep masters hoodie on me though as it's comforting to me.

Once changed I head back into the living room and sit on the sofa next to master, he laughs and pulls me in close to him so I let my body relax into him. We stay there for about 20 minutes until the doorbell rings and master then shows me how the security system works before making me go back into the living room where I can't be seen. He then comes in with the food and I grab plates, cutlery and drinks for us both before he dishes up.

We then sit down and eat the food, master has a pizza and I've got pasta. We are in a comfortable silence as we eat, the conversation flows and is light. Once finished I clean up then head back to the sofa and sit against master again.

"Thank you"
"For what flower?" I blush and smile at the nickname.
"Everything master, wanting to meet so quickly and letting me stay here but letting me settle in before anything happens"
"It's not a problem flower, I don't want to pressure you into anything as I want us to work!"
I smile at this and cuddle into him, he smiles and softly kisses my forehead before grabbing a blanket that was next to us and pulling it over us. I smile and pull it tight around me and look up at master. He laughs and puts the tv on, we both sigh as the news talks about us leaving Jace's but there's no mention of me, just curiosity as to what master was doing there.

I lean against master and shut my eyes, the day being long and exhausting for me. It doesn't take long for me to drift off to sleep curled up in masters lap.

I smile as I look down and see Lilly asleep on my lap, looking at the clock I see it's nearly 10pm so carefully carry her to the guest room. Putting her on the bed and then tucking her in. Once she looks comfortable I kiss her head then leave her room, shutting the door softly behind me. I make sure the front doors are locked and all the windows before heading to my bed, leaving my door open incase Lilly wakes up and needs me, heading to my en-suite I have a quick shower before changing into my pyjamas (just my boxers) and getting into bed once all the lights are off. I put my phone on charge and am soon falling asleep.

Published 16.02.21

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