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Drifting off to sleep hearing master speaking was nice, it reminded me that he's there. I'm annoyed with myself for being rude to him this morning but I just felt horrible. Rolling over on the window seat I'm in I turn to look at master and smile softly as I see him speaking on his laptop and zone out until I hear him begin to speak about him being matched.

"There's been lots of questions about my submissive. She's feeling a little better today, the doctor has been round and it's just her body reacting to being matched so quickly after her birthday, she'll be fine. For now I'm not introducing her until she's ready, it's a lot of pressure to be the submissive of a dominant of my public status. She's sleeping right now..." I laugh a little as he looks at me and realises I'm awake "oh no she's not. She's just woken up" he smiles into the camera and points to my phone, I frown at it but look at my phone and see a few missed calls from my parents. I sigh, getting off the bed and grabbing my phone and the blanket head out into the movie room so I can ring them back.

Sitting on the sofa, it doesn't take long for them to answer my FaceTime.

LM: Lillian! You could've told us you weren't feeling well, instead your father went online and saw the headlines about Trey being matched to then read about how his sub interrupted his show as she was poorly!
L: I'm sorry mum, I've been sleeping loads. Masters been great with me, he got a doctor round yesterday and it's just my body reacting to being matched so quick.
LD: the same happened with your mother. I hope you're feeling better soon Lils. Your aunt Mags wasn't best happy when she found out Treys matched as she was adamant that your other cousin Emily was his sub, just wait until she finds out it's you, she'll probably flip and do her best to get in touch with you both.
L: ughhhh ok, thanks for the heads up. I wish she could just stop being so
LM: so do we honey, we've not told her yet but when she realises I'm sure it'll be all over the news who you are etc.
L: that's just what I need right now. Thanks.
LD: don't worry lils, we won't announce anything until you do - then we'll do our best to keep quiet but obviously we'll be asked a lot too.
L: I know, thanks - you're the best honestly. I'll be in touch soon definitely won't leave it this long!
LM: it's ok, we know what it's like - even a text will be fine, just know that we love you and are proud of you and if Mags contacts you let us and Trey know and we can obviously sort it out.
L: I know mum, thanks
LM: no worries honey, we love you. Bye!
LD: Bye lils, speak soon
L: bye, I love you too!

I smile as I hang up the phone and hearing master still speaking I smile softly. As I walk through the kitchen I grab two water bottles, keeping the blanket pulled around me as I head back into masters office. Smiling as I walk in but frown as the door squeaks loudly, master laughs a little and carries on speaking.

"Sorry, that's my flower coming back in! Right yes, next up we have a video tour of Jace Matthews house, filmed by his sub Anna as we were filming the segment for his show! Anyway, roll the tape!" He smiles and then turns his mic off, getting up and coming over to me and taking a water bottle, he then sits next to me and pulls me in close.

"Thanks Lilly, everything ok with your parents? They were blowing your phone up but I didn't want to invade on your messages"

I nod and sigh a bit, leaning against him and speak softly, "they were upset to hear I wasn't well through the media but they then told me mum had a similar reaction. Then they told me that my aunt Mags, she's a dominant, who never fully approved of me and felt her daughter Emily is a much better sub is mad you've found your sub as she felt Emily was going to be yours. So all hell could break loose when it's announced I'm yours. Oh but they've not told anyone anything and will do their best to keep our privacy" master sighs but nods "is Mags the aunt who nearly attacked you over not telling them who your Dom was?"
I look at him confused to how he knows but I nod anyway. "Yes, that's her". Our conversation gets cut off by a voice through the computer "Trey, you've got a minute".

Master sighs but gets up, surprising me as he picks me up and as he sits down he keeps my face away from the camera. "I need you close to keep you calm, I'll just say you need some cuddles, even if it is the other way. If you want to get off my lap, pat my back 3 times or whisper in my ear and I'll turn my camera off and let you down when I can ok?"

I smile and nod "sounds good with me, might fall asleep again" I hear him chuckle and then feel him kiss my forehead "that's ok, you ready?" I sigh but nod and pull the blanket up over me so I'm hidden by it.

I relax into master and slowly feel him relax as I place soft kisses on his neck. His voice hitches slightly as I do it when he's speaking but I stop when I hear someone ask through the computer

"Is that your submissive?" Master laughs and nods slightly.
"Yes this is her, she woke up a bit cuddly and clingy, with her being poorly I couldn't say no. She's going to be quiet though, I think she's nearly asleep on me!"
"It's fine Trey! Are you going to reveal her name or anything just yet?"
"No, not until she's happy for me to. Her parents are aware that I'm her dominant, as are a couple of her cousins. She's yet to meet my family but I'm hoping that will be soon, then we might go and see hers before we announce anything but we're not sure. It will depend on what she wants to do when she's feeling better"
I smile at masters words and blush as I feel him lean down and softly kiss my head. I squirm a little in his lap and the voice speaks again.
"That's completely understandable. The questions about the two of you are coming in thick and fast, can we ask a couple of questions?"

"Yes of course, nothing about my submissive though"

"That's fine, now Trey. When did you and your sub get matched?" Master laughs a little and I feel him tense and pause so whisper the answer into his ear. I giggle slightly as I hear him repeat it to the show.
"It's been 11 days since I got my letter and 10 days since I met my submissive for the first time"

"Woah that's not long but also you met quickly, why?"
"I wasn't in London but in another city and she was nearby so it meant we could meet easily"
"That's a bit of luck then! How did you react when you received the letter?" I feel master tense and gently rub his back to try and relax him, smiling as he does and listening to what he responds to the question with.
"I was nervous to start, obviously as you all know I've been waiting ages for my letter and I thought it could be the unmatchable one. Thankfully, it obviously wasn't and I was relieved, excited and proud to be matched with a sub. The more I've got to know her, the prouder I become as she is, and I know most doms say this but it's true, honestly the best sub I could've asked for. She has picked up on my behaviours and body language and so is starting to know what I want before I ask her for it."

"It sounds like you've got a good one there. We've got a question, it's sort of personal so don't answer if you don't want to, from Maggie and Emily, who want to know what went wrong with your last sub and why is your new one better? Would you ever reject your submissive if you saw another in the street?"

I tense up at the names and I feel master also tense up. I remain silent as master answers, "I'm not answering that, it's much too personal to answer but in short, my last sub didn't follow the orders I gave her before we'd even met about my privacy, my flower did that and then some, not even telling her family until we had met. No, I've been matched with my flower for a reason and I won't ever need another sub. Thank you and that's all we've got time for today!" Master then hangs up out of the call and I laugh a little bit pull the blanket down, moving so I'm leaning against his chest and smile softly.

"Thank you Master, you didn't have to defend me like that." He smiles and nods, leaning down and kissing me softly.

"It's ok flower, you deserve to be defended and protected, if either of them get in touch let me know ASAP and I can get you a new phone number instantly." I smile and nod "can we go nap? It's been a long morning so far!" Master laughs but nods, taking us to the movie room where the sofa is like a large bed and pulling some blankets over us. It doesn't take long for me to be out like a light and fast asleep.

Authors note
Ooohhhh what's going to happen next?
Is Lilly going to get messages? Is she going to get sicker or will she get better?
Thanks for all the votes and comments so far - please keep it up! I'm trying to respond to every comment 🙂
Published: 17.05.21

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