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————— Trey —————
I'm furious. Furious at my security team, furious at whoever's done this, the only person I'm not mad at is Lilly, thank god. Sending her off to unpack the bags was so she hopefully doesn't hear me screaming.

After getting off the phone, my security team are looking around and have found some other devices, thankfully they hadn't been connected but they've contacted the police anyway to make them aware. I then go to the hotel phone and order breakfast for me and Lilly, then head into the bedroom and smile as I see Lilly fast asleep on the bed. I chuckle slightly and walk past, placing a soft kiss on her forehead and heading into the en-suite, having a quick shower and then getting into a suit for the show today. As I get out I notice Lilly isn't there but hear her talking at the door. I stay in the bedroom and once I hear the door shut I head to her and see breakfast has turned up.

"Master! You could've woken me up, they didn't get an answer at the door so rang the phone - it scared me awake!"

"I'm sorry flower! Now do you want to come to the studio today? You can stay in my dressing room or I can get you a seat in the audience if you'd rather that"

"Sounds good master, I don't mind - maybe I'll just decide when I'm there." I smile and laugh a bit but agree, getting some plates out the kitchen area and dishing up the food as Lilly puts my coffee infront of me. I thank her and then start to eat the breakfast I ordered, watching Lilly do the same as she drinks her tea.

"Can you go get dressed flower? We need to leave in a little to be able to make it on time" she nods, mutters a quick 'yes master' and heads off to change. It doesn't take her long to come back out and I smile with what she's wearing, a dress but she's then put a hoodie of mine on over the top.

"Is this ok? Still a bit cold and makes me feel safer with your smell near me" I laugh but nod "it's perfect, you're perfect Lilly. Now let's go, you're going to sit in the back as the press are aware something has gone on and so are around the studio, currently they are unaware that we are here so all is good but I don't want them seeing you just yet."

"that's fine master, let's go!" She smiles and heads to the door, I laugh a little and follow her, heading out and down the staff lift to the back door, heading to the underground car park where we both get in the car. Once in I text my mum so she knows and can get some food in the kitchen for us. I then start the car and drive to the studio, frowning as I see the crowd of press around but ignore them. When I see another car parked in my space I go to shout at the person until i see it's Alex and roll my window down. He almost immediately begins to speak to me
"I thought you might want my spot in the undercover parking - it's the space directly next to the back entrance to backstage." I nod at him "thanks, ill see you in there" I then do my window back up and head into the undercover parking, finding his spot in the back corner, right next to the fire exit, just like he said. Lilly and I get out and head inside, I keep Lilly close to me as we get into my dressing room I relax and sit on the sofa, pulling her close.

"Just so you know, my mums buying us a load of food today to fill the fridge and cupboards up - who knows she might still be there when we get back I'm not sure."

"Oh ok master, I'll be on my best behaviour" I smile and kiss Lilly softly "I know you will, now come on, I'll show you around."

Once I've given Lilly the show around, I make sure each employee on the set signs an NDA, that way if anything gets out, I'm sorted. Leaving Lilly in my dressing room I then head to the stage and am greeted with cheers as I walk out and sit behind my desk.

It doesn't take long for more questions to be asked about Lilly and I but I avoid answering them and just get on with the show. About halfway through I get a text from Lilly asking if I can see her at the next interval. I don't respond but as soon as the adverts begin to get played I go off and into the dressing room. Frowning when I see Lilly crying in the corner, I go over to her and pull her close, wiping her tears away before heading to the sofa and sitting down on it. I don't say anything, just hold Lilly close and let her speak when she wants to.

"They're here.... Emily sent a picture of you from being sat in the audience, saying that she's going to try and convince you to have her. Or try to see who your sub is and whether it's actually true or not."

"Shhhh, you're ok. Ignore the message yeah? You know that you're the only one I want. How about you come and sit in the audience, if you see them and they ask why you're here just say your Dom is someone who works on the show, I'll give you a staff submissive lanyard - this will allow you to come backstage ok? I'll put my initials on it but don't worry, there's another T.S who works on the show. If you want we could introduce you to the public today? I can call you down and hopefully they won't do anything with the show being filmed." I feel her nod into my chest and mutter a quiet "yes please master". I smile and grab her a water bottle and then the lanyard for backstage access, putting it around her neck and making sure to wipe her tears away and calm her down. I lean in and kiss her softly, feeling her relax as I do before a text comes from the producer saying we need to go back and they're running a competition or something at the moment.

I take hold of Lilly's hand and lead her to the door the audience walk in from. I introduce her to the security guard and quickly ask him to escort her to a seat, ensuring it's the end of a row. He agrees and I watch as Lilly walks in and sits down three rows from the back and in the middle of the stage. Once I see her sitting down I head down to carry on with the segment, apologising for the delay and carrying on with the show. Every now and then I look up at Lilly and frown as I see the security guard pointing to two people further along the row who seem to be staring at her. I look to them and the girl who looks slightly younger the Lilly grins and pulls on her mums arm, I smile gently at them but turn my attention to the matter at hand.

"This next bit is impromptu - during the last break my sub messaged me as something happened. We've decided that it's time for me to introduce her to everyone. But - those in the live audience please be nice, she's shy and still a bit uncertain/uncomfortable with the idea of being in the public eye but by introducing her we both feel like this is for the best." I look to Lilly and smile, she smiles back softly and I then nod. "So, I'd like to introduce everyone to my submissive, Lilly Jackson" I smile and then get up, heading to the bottom of the stairs and holding Lilly's hand as she makes her way down. I lead her to my desk and she sits on my lap leaning against me as there are cheers going around the room.

Both of us though notice the look that two women are giving us. Both frowning and look really mad, I ignore it and lean down, giving Lilly a soft kiss.

Authors note:

Hey everyone! Sorry this is a bit late - hope you've enjoyed it - especially with it being from Treys POV, please comment and vote!

Thanks, G 🙂

Published: 20.05.21

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