3~ Tommy? Tubbo?

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The lava had this warm comforting feeling to it. It was almost nice to be swallowed up by it. The colors swirling around them, the sound, the feeling it was nice.


How can they still feel this, together?

They slowly opened there eyes to see they were slowly floating down to the bottom of the lava pool. The last thing they remember is falling in each other's arms. But both perspectives of the fall were remembered. Tommy remembered his but could also see Tubbo's memory.

This was fucking weird.

They motioned to swim up to the surface. But nothing happened. Tubbo by himself tried moving but nothing happened. And so did Tommy, he tried to swim up but his body wouldn't let him.

But then at the same time both boys knew what the other was thinking. Nether of them talked to the other. This was getting weirder by the second.

So instead they thought if the same thing in the same words.


And to there surprise there body started to go up moving in a swimming motion it was weird at first but got use to it. They reached the top of the lava pool.

They poked there head out to where you can only see there eyes poking out. All they saw was the lava. They looked up and saw the bridge. A memory popped up and remembered Ghostbur being there. But Tommy didn't remember Ghostbur being there at all. He didn't see the ghost there at all.


Looking around they didn't see each other. Tommy didn't see Tubbo and Tubbo didn't see Tommy. This made both of them get worried because they both remembered being together. But they weren't to be seen.

At the same time they both recognized that they are sharing the same thought process. Like they are thinking the same thing or different stuff but all together they know what the other is thinking.

They wanted to get up to the bridge but didn't know how. They couldn't,


Up there. But to there surprise they did with ease. It was hard to get use to but eventually got it down. It was kind of fun for the two young boys. They were floating around doing circles, flips, going into the lava then pecking out and repeat.

They got distracted by the new thing they could do.

They eventually stopped and floated up to the bridge and landed to where they were standing on it. More stuff flooded back to them. But anything before the fall was a blur. Like it was still there but couldn't remember what actually happened in the memory.

It didn't bother them for right now. Heck they didn't know where they were at the moment. All they knew was that they were in the neither and Ghostbur was here earlier.

The blonde and brunette didn't know what to do. So they both agreed to go sit by the edge of the bridge and dangle there legs off and think about stuff. Like try to remember what happened before all this happened.


Phil stayed with the sleeping ghost the whole time. It was weird for Ghostbur to be sleeping right now usually he never slept. Phil knew that this meant that Ghostbur was really stressed. Hell the boy carried all the weight of Tommy and Tubbo's death on his shoulders.

A couple more minutes passed with Phil in thought and to that the ghost laying on the older blondes lap was waking up. He slowly raised up from his sleeping position and rubbed his eyes. He took a second to look around to see where he was. And then it hit him. He remembered what happened.

His gaze changed from looking around to starting at the floor. Phil knew what had happened.

"Do you want to take me to where it happened?"

Phil had a calm tone to his voice witch gave Ghostbur this sense of peace. He nodded his head slowly and got up and took out his hand for Phil. He wanted his hand and the fatherly figure took it. And to that Ggostbur lead the way.

They walked down the prime path and got to the neither portal. It was hard for the Ghost but he needed to go back to have this sense of closure if you know what I mean.

The heat in the biome hit immediately and the blonde and brunette walked out of the portal. With Phil's hand still in Ghostburs, he lead the way to the bridge.

But to a sudden stop by Ghostbur, he could see up ahead a figure sitting on the edge dangling their feet off. Ghostbur remembered I one being here last time he was here.

Phil was confused on what was happening. The ghost slowly tugged on Phil's hand and made their way over to the unknown figure.

As they started to get closer Phil could tell that the figure looked like Tommy? And Tubbo?


Ghostbur let go of Phil's hand and slowly floated to the person? No ghost sitting down. He reached his hand out and tapped the ghost on the shoulder. The figures head turned around to see Ghostbur staring at them with a blank expression.


Ghostbur slowly reached out for the others ghost hand and took their hand. The figure didn't hesitate but greasily took Ghostburs hand.

Ghostbur walked the figure over to Phil.

"So um- What's your name?"

Phil already knew the answer but wanted to see what the other ghost had to say about the question.

"I'm Tombo- wait, Tubmy- what. Hold on. I'm Tommy and I'm Tubbo."

A confused and shock expression came across Ghostbur and Phil's face. So the ghost in front of them was Tommy and Tubbo? This didn't add up because Ghostbur,

"I watched you both fall. So how are you here and or like this?"

"Dont know. But all we remember is you being here and us falling together in the lava pool. But before that everything is a blur."

It's just like how Ghostbur is, he didn't remember anything before his last life was gone as well.

But how he remembered stuff from Alivebur  is that fragments just came up randomly. So it had to be the same for them, right? That doesn't matter now! What Phil and Ghostbur need to know is how this happened to the two boys.

So they need them to come back to L'manburg with them. Shouldn't be that hard.

"Hey Tommy, and Tubbo do you want to leave here and go back to L'manburg?"

"What's L'manburg?"

Oh boy.

"Uh well it's um- just come with us and we'll explain later. Is that ok?"

"Of course! But can I stay for a little longer. I can meet y'all at the portal, but can you point me there I don't know where it is."

Tommy, Tubbo wanted to look around just a bit longer before they go to L'manburg? And see new things. Could they be called new things? It seemed like Phil and Ghostbur wanted the two boys to know what things where and what they were.

"Yeah, that's fine the main portal is just straight ahead behind us."

"Ok! Cool! I will meet y'all on the other side!"

To that the older blonde and brunette walked off to the portal.

Tommy and Tubbo were now alone, again. It was nice to be left alone with both of them. Even though they don't remember that much about each other. There was still a comfortable feeling to it all. Like both of there minds knew who each other where but didn't remember what events happened with each other.

The two boys where finally ready to head through the portal and see what new stuff there was to explore. A wave of excitement filled the boys and floated through. The portal made a weird noise witch made them laugh. And soon enough they where in the over world.

To there right they saw Phil and Ghostbur talking to each other. So the ghost floated to them and said they were ready to go explore.


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