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A/N: Hello everyone! So if you don't already know, this is my rewrite of an old story of mine called, "The Unknown Godmother of Harry James Potter". I decided to rewrite it because I liked the idea of Harry having a godmother, but I no longer like the way I wrote it. So with a lot of planning and discussions with my best friend Bri, I have began to work on my new idea! So please enjoy my new story, "A Little Birdie Told Me".


Rory Willows ran through the empty streets of Godric's Hollow, towards the home of her best friends Lily and James Potter. Ignoring the pain in her legs as she continued to run as fast as she could. She couldn't waste anymore time, if she was too late she would never forgive herself.

Once she got to the front door she saw that it was already opened, she pulled her wand out of her leather messenger bag and slowly walked into the house. She made her way down the hall and towards the staircase, the first thing she saw made her legs give out. She choked back the bile that was rising in her throat as she looked upon one of the few people she considered family, James Potter, lying motionless at the bottom of the staircase, eyes opened with his wand in hand.

"No James..." She whimpered as she forced herself to crawl to him, she then let a few tears roll down her face but she did not allow herself to lose it. She couldn't afford to let herself, the enemy could still be near.

After a few more moments of mourning her lost friend she reluctantly got up and made her way towards the staircase. She was about to make her way up when she heard a voice coming from upstairs. Rory moved quickly, sprinting up the stairs and towards the room the voice was coming from. Her godson's room.

She reached the door and threw it open, and what she saw made her eyes go wide. It was none other than Severus Snape on his knees sobbing and clutching the limp lifeless body of her best friend Lily Potter.

Rory let out a loud wail when she saw her best friend, "Lily! No!" Rory quickly rushed over to where Snape was, not even paying attention to him, and held her best friend's face in her hands, "Come on Lily! You have to open your eyes for me... Please..." She desperately begged the lifeless body of her friend. "Please Lily Pad. I can't lose you too..." She stared at the woman she considered her sister and waited for some sort of sign that she was alive. But nothing happened and the small blonde broke down into sobs.

She continued to cry for what seemed like hours until another small cry brought her back to reality. Rory looked up and saw her godson, sitting in his crib watching both her and Severus crying over his mother, not having a clue about what was going on.

The blonde jumped up, rushed over to the one year old and picked him up, clutching him close to her chest. "Shhhh." The young woman said quietly to her godson, "Come now Harry, we cannot both cry. So you leave the crying to me okay." She said with a sad smile as she pressed her forehead softly against the little child's forehead. She continued to rock the baby boy back and forth until finally the boy's crying stopped.

"What happened here Severus?" She asked the man that was still knelt on the floor, holding onto Lily for dear life. She waited a couple a moments but the black haired man stayed silent. "Sev..." Rory walked over to the raven haired man, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Please. Please answer me." She then begged the man has she felt the tears start to form in her eyes again.

At that moment Severus Snape gently placed his one true love back on the ground where she had been, then stood up, brushing Rory's hand off of him, and finally turned to the small blonde woman holding the baby boy and glared, "What do you think, you stupid woman." And without another word the man apparated out of the room, leaving her alone with her now sleeping godson in her arms, and her best friend lying dead on the floor.

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