No coffee?

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Aurora had not gotten any sleep that night, too scared that she would return to Azkaban in her dreams

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Aurora had not gotten any sleep that night, too scared that she would return to Azkaban in her dreams. So instead she sat by her window and watched the night pass by, letting her mind wander to whatever it wanted to, as long as it was not about the prison or its occupants.

She thought about Harry the most, when she saw him the other day she had to stop herself from rushing over to him and wrapping him up in a hug. She had been robbed of hugs for the last 11 years, she couldn't wait for the day where she could hug him without fear of the repercussions.

Over the years, Rory had been keeping an eye on the young wizard. Keeping her distance and doing what she could for him behind the scenes. Sure, there wasn't a rule that stated she couldn't tell Harry she was his godmother, but without James and Lily's will he would still be stuck with the Dursleys. In Rory's mind telling him would only cause more pain, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. So until she found the Potter's will, it was for the best that she stayed in the shadows.

As the sun started to peek out in the horizon Rory decided that she might as well start getting ready for her first day. She took a quick cold shower, hoping that would wake her body up, then started to fix her hair and makeup.

Once her face and hair were done she walked over to her closet and pulled out the outfit she had picked out for her first day. It was a pair of black and white plaid slacks, a forest green top that she tucked into her pants, and she paired this with a set of strappy pointed toe flats.

Rory had never been a fan of robes, she felt like they got in the way too much. She preferred muggle clothing, especially after she had discovered scrubs! After she put on a pair of scrubs for the first time she refused to wear anything else to work. That fact still stood true, but since it was her first day she thought that she would dress her best. She wanted to make a good first impression after all.

She looked over her appearance in the mirror, checking for anything out of place and fluffed up her hair a bit before she headed out the door.

It was still very early when Rory made her way through the castle halls, most still asleep or barely waking up. So her walk to the kitchen was very quiet, which Rory didn't mind at all. It gave her a certain sense of peace, which was a welcomed change from her restless night.

When she got to the entrance of the kitchen she quickly tickled the pear in the portrait and stood back as the painting moved and the smell of breakfast reached her nose. Rory walked in and was immediately greeted by all the house elves who were eagerly preparing food for the staff and students.

"Good morning, Miss!" One of the elves came up to her, a smile on their face, "Can Twinkie get you anything, Miss?"

"Good morning Twinkie, I was hoping to get a cup of coffee." She looked around for any sign of a coffee pot, "I can get it myself if you would be so kind as to point it out to me, I don't want to be a bother."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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