Job Offers and Stolen Glances

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"Good afternoon, Aurora" Rory looked up from her paper-covered desk and saw Albus Dumbledore, "I hope you have a batch of some of your delicious brownies ready for me?"

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"Good afternoon, Aurora" Rory looked up from her paper-covered desk and saw Albus Dumbledore, "I hope you have a batch of some of your delicious brownies ready for me?"

Rory let out a short laugh as she stood up, "That would require you actually telling me when you are coming to visit." She moved around her desk and gave the old wizard a hug, then motioned for him to have a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"Alas, the fates seem to not be in my favor. Perhaps next time then." He replied with a light-hearted chuckle as he sat down in one of the offered chairs.

Rory rolled her eyes, the smile still on her face, "Or perhaps include more in your letters. Not just: 'I have been thinking of your wonderfully delicious brownies recently. I hope that I will have the opportunity to have some soon.'" She countered, quoting the letter she received from him earlier that week. She moved to sit down behind her desk, trying to tidy up all the papers and patient, trying to restore some sense of order in her office. As she did she peeked up at Dumbledore, "So I'm going to assume you aren't here just to talk about my delicious pastries." 

Dumbledore gave her a knowing smile then proceeded to pull a folded piece of parchment from his robe pocket, and held it out for her to take.

Rory sighed and took the paper from his hand, "Where are you sending me now?" She asked as she unfolded the paper and began reading, assuming he was sending her on another assignment. "Wait this isn't..."

"Madame Pomfrey is looking to retire in the next few years, however before she leaves she would like to train her replacement personally." He gave the young witch a smile with a twinkle in his eyes, "You were her first recommendation."

"You want me to work at Hogwarts..." Rory looked up at Dumbledore, unsure on what to think of the job offer.

Dumbledore nodded, "It would be a joy to have you back in the school, I'm sure you will feel right at home in no time."

Rory sighed and leaned back, "I don't know Professor. I mean I honestly would love to work at Hogwarts, but at the same time I have to think about it income wise. I would be taking a major pay cut."

Personally, Rory couldn't care less about money, but she had more to think about than just herself. She had to think of Remus who didn't have a steady income to rely on. She also felt the constant need to be prepared for the day she got Harry back.

Ever since Harry was taken from her twelve years ago she, along with a few others, have tried to find ways to get Harry back to her. While each failure felt like a knife to her heart, she did not let it stop her from fighting.

"I will actually be paying you exactly what you are making here." Dumbledore said, snapping Rory out of her thoughts. Her eyes widened slightly but before she could respond he continued, "Of course I am also factoring in the work you do for me personally."

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