She Will Be Mine

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A/N: Hello all! I have another update for you! Make sure to like and comment and all of that good stuff!

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A/N: Hello all! I have another update for you! Make sure to like and comment and all of that good stuff!

"Favorite Aunt?" Harry read the writing out loud, "I don't understand. I was told that the only family I had left were the Dursleys."

Ron sat down on Harry's bed, "Maybe your dad had a secret sister or something?"

Hermione shook her head, "I don't think Harry's father had any siblings. It's more likely that she was just a close family friend. Maybe even a former classmate." She suggested as she held her hand out for the photo.

Harry handed it to the witch and she examined it closely, looking for any other hint or clue to who the woman was, "Are there any more pictures of her in your album Harry?"

The boy shrugged and picked up the book and took a seat next to Ron, "I can't remember seeing her anywhere else."

Ron looked over Harry's shoulder and watched as Harry flipped through the pages, until he saw another picture with the blond witch, "Oh there she is again!" Ron pointed to a picture that had Harry's mother with her arms wrapped around Rory's waist, and she had her arms wrapped around Lily's shoulders. Both had huge smiles on their faces and would look at each and start laughing.

Hermione reached over and took the photo out of the album and turned it around and read the back aloud, "Bride Lily Potter with Maid of Honor Rory Willows. Wedding Day Summer 1978"

Harry took the photo back from Hermione and looked at it for a few moments. The two witches seemed to be as thick as thieves, it made Harry wonder why he had never met the blond woman before. Sure he didn't know everything about his parents or their lives at Hogwarts, but apparently this woman was so close with the Potters to be called his aunt one would think that he would've at least heard her name before.

Ron and Hermione watched their friend for a moment, waiting to see what his next move was but he seemed to be deep in thought. And after a few more moments Ron spoke up, "You know mate, I've known Healer Willows for all my life and the times I've been around her she seems to be pretty nice. I'm sure that if you just ask her about all of this, she'd be willing to tell you."

Hermione nodded and moved to sit down on the other side of Harry, "Ron's right, there's no harm in asking Harry."

"It's not that I'm nervous about asking her about my parents, I'm just confused I guess." Harry looks back at the two photos in front of him, "I'm confused as to why I've never heard of her until now. I mean I know that there's a lot of things about my parents I don't know about, but if she was really that close to them why haven't I met her before?"

Hermione placed her hand on Harry's arm and gave it a squeeze, she knew how much it hurt Harry to not really know anything about his parents. "Well now you have a chance to find out."

The messy haired wizard nodded and stood up, "You two are right, I need to go talk to her now." With that Harry made his way out of the room and towards the stairs, his two friends following close behind.

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