Beginning of the end

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The beeping from the speaker made Natasha groan and roll over onto her stomach. A arm loosely wrapped around her waist. She tugged it closer to her and the other person got the hint and pulled her flush against their body. The beeping continued long enough for the other person to groan.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. what the hell do you want?" The person asked.

"Sorry boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke with as much remorse as a computer system could allow. "But there is a mission alert for Miss. Romanoff."

Tony groaned when the computer system opened the blinds.

"I guess she's not taking no for an answer." Natasha whispered, her voice thick with sleep.

"Yeah, well I guess I have some work to do today." Tony groaned as he pushed himself onto his elbows.

This 'thing' that had been going on between them for the past year was nothing they ever talked about. It was just a casual fling between two friends who had lost the people they had come to love. The only thing different in their stories was that they still knew where to find Pepper. So one night became two and then it was like they didn't know how to stop.

No one besides them...and of course F.R.I.D.A.Y., knew about this little arrangement. They never talked about what it, worried that if they talked about it, they would loose it like they had in the past.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Natasha asked, sitting up. "What is the mission?"

"The mission is with Captain Rogers, Mr. Wilson, and Miss. Maximoff in Lagos."

"Lagos?" Tony asked.

"Mr. Rogers said he would fill Miss. Romanoff in when she gets to the coffee shop he sent her on her phone."

"Well then I guess we both have work to do." Natasha huffed and moved to get up.

Tony pulled her back down to kiss her.

"Tony..." She mumbled against his lips. "I gotta go."

He moved onto her neck and she huffed, relaxing against him. Tony pulled away to speak.

"You can take the jet I just made, it will get you there in half an hour." He then proceeded to turn his attention back to the bare skin of her neck.

"Fine." Natasha replied after a short period of time.

The trip back from Lagos was mostly silent. Wanda had stopped crying ten minutes ago, but her eyes were still cloudy. Steve gave control of the jet to Sam and walked over by Wanda. Natasha smiled, despite everything, at the small signs of affection, they were too adorable at times.

Clearing her head as Sam, who put the jet on autopilot, sat beside her.

"So...?" He began. "Do you want to tell me how you managed to get to Lagos when you only answered Cap's message half an hour before?"

"I was in the area." She replied smoothly.

Sam held out the tablet to show her that it said she responded from California. He gave her a smug smirk.

"Care to change your answer?" He asked.

At this point Steve and Wanda had walked over.

"What answer?" Steve asked, confusion knitted into his eyebrows.

"Oh, how Nat here managed to get from California to Lagos in just over half an hour.." Sam mocked.

"I was checking a lead with the Rumlow case and did not feel like mentioning it considering how today's mission went." Natasha said.

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