Greetings From Georgia

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Tony pulled up to the prison and sat there for a minute. This was either really bad or...oh who was he kidding, this was definitely bad. He had called ahead and the prison gates were soon opened after Tony provided I.D and all the other stuff you're required to show. The guard escorted him towards the visitor's center.

"You know, no one ever asks to see this guy." The guard informed Tony.

"I wonder why." Tony grumbled as he sat down in the chair and picked up the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Tony Stark...It is good to see you." An arrogant and mocking voice came through.

"Let's skip the pleasantries Hammer, you know why I'm here." Tony snapped.

Justin Hammer sat on the other side of the glass window and looked the same, except for his hair was not as well kept.

"Let's talk about the past six years first, Anthony. I heard you finally asked out you CEO only to break up with her 5 years later." Hammer remarked.

"Look clearly you were just messing with me, so...see you later." Tony went to stand.

"Wait, wait, wait." Hammer said. "How is Miss. Rushman doing?"

"You are treading on very thin ice Hammer." Tony growled.

"Did you know she follows you every where you go?" Hammer said. "It's cute that she doesn't want anything bad to happen to you...little does she know you are the most self-destructive human being on the planet."

"How do you...?" Tony begun.

"Know all this." Hammer finished. "It's quite simple Stark, you may have taken me down, but I still have eyes and ears out there."

"Oh yeah? And how have those eyes and ears been helping you in this place for the last 6 years?" Tony remarked.

"It's hilarious you know, you made your first girl your CEO and your second turns out to be a master assassin." Justin continued, ignoring Tony's question.

"I'm still waiting to see how this is of any use to me." Tony said.

"Because." Justin teased. "I. Know. Where. She. Is."

"You Son of a Bitch." Tony cursed.

"Such harsh language Anthony." Hammer mocked. "Also I wouldn't dream about harming her in her condition."

"Her...What the hell do you mean?" Tony yelled.

In the other room, the side Hammer was on, the wall exploded and armed men walked in, shooting any guard who came to stop them. Tony stuck out his hand to call his suit to him.

"You got so close to finding her Stark." Hammer laughed as he stood up. "Problem is I found her first."

"I swear to God Hammer." Tony yelled as his suit wrapped around his arm and began to punch the glass.

The glass was stronger than Tony accounted for because Hammer was soon surrounded by his goons.

"I guess we are going to see each other again Anthony." Hammer called as he walked out.

"I swear on my life that am going to kill you!" Tony yelled.

"I look forward to it." Hammer called.

Natasha groaned and her head rolled. She forced her eyes to open up, but they soon shut due to how white the room was. When she gained her bearings she looked next to her and saw Rhodey tied up in a chair, he was at least six feet away so he couldn't help her escape.

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