Promise Me This is Forever

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Natasha carried her purse out to the orange car that was sitting in the drive way of the Upstate Avengers Facility. She turned around and looked at the building that once housed so many of them, and now it was just Vision, Tony, her, and Rhodey.

It had been two months since Tony had the press conference confirming he was leaving the facility and taking a step back from his duties. Since then, he had kept her on a private floor with a lovely outdoor patio, that she spent most of her days on, reading books on everything to do with pregnancy.

Tony disappeared during the day, never telling her what he was up to, only that it was a surprise. He always came back at nine o'clock and was usually very tired. Natasha tried to ask Rhodey what Tony was up to, but that was a dead end, since the man told her he was too busy doing Tony's job with a smug smirk on his face. She considered asking Vision, but then remembered the man's will to do the right thing and did not want to risk him accidentally telling Ross before her and Tony could leave.

Today she was going to her first ultrasound, even though she was now five months pregnant. Before she could not even think about seeing a doctor when she was on the run for fear of being caught. Tony finally convinced her to go see one with him and was 100% positive that no one would suspect a thing.

Her hair was getting red streaks in it, due to her not being able to color her hair and risk inhaling the fumes it let off.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Tony said as he walked out the doors to find her staring at the 'A' on the wall.

"Everything." She told him and then smiled. "And nothing."

"How amazingly cryptic of you." Tony smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, lightly kissing her. "You ready?" He asked after they separated.

"Ready as I will ever be." Natasha said, trying to shake off her fears.

Natasha sat, arms crossed and her leg bouncing, as they sat waiting to be called back. She remembers all the times she would see pregnant women on her missions with the Red Room and then S.H.I.E.L.D. and wished she could have what they had. And now here she was, with exactly what she always wished for, and she was terrified.

"Hey." Tony said softly, and placed his hand on her knee, stopping it from bouncing. "It's all going to be okay."

"You're telling me that you are not freaking out right now?" Natasha hissed.

"Of course I am." He replied back immediately. "But the current situation is a gift and I will be happy no matter what."

Natasha took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. She let her forehead rest against Tony's and shut her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"I love you." He told her.

"And I, you." Natasha replied.

"Marya Zlataryova." A woman called.

Natasha stood up and Tony followed as they both began to walk over to the woman.

"Did you really have to pick such a complicated name?" Tony asked.

"This one is just temporary, right?" She asked, rhetorically. "Our permanent doctor is going to be where ever we end up living, right?"

"Point taken." Tony grumbled.

"Nice to meet you." Natasha greeted.

"You too." The nurse responded. "And you must be..."

"The husband." Tony said and Natasha gave him a withering look, but Tony just smiled. "Almonzo Zlataryova."

"Yes, well, right this way." She lead them through the hall.

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