Heroes Unite

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Natasha finally sat down as Sam sped them towards Scotland. When Tony had announced that he was leaving his position in the Avengers, Natasha was in awe. Even though she had knew before hand that he was going to do it, a small part of her had expected him to chicken out. She knew that he had always been struggling with stopping, and in the end it had led him to her.

Tony had worked so hard for peace and to live a life he chose for himself, and now someone had yanked the rug out from under them. It's not that she forgot what being an Avenger meant, she was just ready for someone else to have that life. Natasha just wanted a life with Tony and their kids in the middle of no where.

Sam placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked at him and gave him a small smile, placing her hand over his.

"Sharon tell you where she was taking the wonder twins?" Sam asked.

"I think she was going to Clint's." Natasha said. "Lila loves them and is willing to help babysit, while Sharon is going to help Clint try and get in contact with Fury and Hill."

"Nat." Sam said after a minute. "Tony's going to be fine, he's too stubborn to end the game now."

"I know." She sighed. "It's just we finally had everything we both wanted and now we are both being wrapped into it again. He deserves to rest Sam...we all do."

"And we will, as soon as we're finished with this threat." Sam told her.

"What about the threat after that?" Natasha questioned. "Or the one after that?"

"There are more heroes Nat. I mean look at me, I came in about six years after Tony and I am leaving only about a year after him." Sam tried to calm her fears. "There are always going to be more people that want to fight for what is right, like Peter."

"I thought you didn't like him." Natasha smirked.

"What can I say the kid is growing on me." Sam smiled. "He's like Tony, except he does not try endlessly to piss off everybody."

"But I love him for it." Natasha smiled warmly.

"Everything will be fine Nat, I promise." Sam told her.

"Promises are risky in this line of work, Wilson." Natasha warned.

"Although we all need them right now." Sam focused back on the sky ahead. "Buckle up, we're only about five minutes...Oh my God." Sam breathed at the sight of the circle space ship coming out of orbit. "Get a hold of Steve now!"

"The stone's speaking to you?" Steve questioned in the motel room.

"It started a few days ago, and it's more of a high pitched noise." Vision told them and winced, it was as if the stone was trying to prove a point. "It's like it is warning me."

"Probably on those guys who attacked Tony and Banner." Steve mused.

Wanda stood up from her place next to Steve and walked over by Vision, hesitantly holding out her hand. Vision nodded to her unanswered question and she placed her hand by his head.

"Tell me what you feel." He told her.

Wanda let her magic flow from her fingers, and it mingled with the similar magic from the Mind stone. After a second she shook her head and sighed.

"I just feel you. No warnings, nothing." Wanda said.

Steve felt his phone buzz and he pulled it out of the pants pocket of the old suit he had been using for missions since the Accords.

"Hello?" He asked, looking at Wanda and Vision try and figure out what was coming.

"Steve." Sam's voice came through. "You still with Vision?"

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