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Tony grumbled as he walked into the cabin that was so familiar to him now, and stomped his feet on the rug, knocking the snow free. He took two steps into the house before he was almost run over by his six year old son and his best friend.

Both boys skidded to a halt at the sight of Tony. The former Avenger's eyes flickered down to the fluffy cream colored teddy bear in his son's hands.

"Well, well, well." Tony mused, setting the bags he was carrying down and kneeling down by his son. "I don't remember you liking Miss. Cuddles?"

"Well, I do..." Steven began but was cut off by the sound of another set of feet.

His sister rounded the corner, her sea-green eyes ablaze with fury, making them look more emerald colored. Her cheeks were flushed red and her chest rose and fell in short quick paces, indicating that she had been running. The fury left Maria's eyes at the sight of her father and she walked over to her dad.

"Daddy," Maria called, knowing just how to get to her father's heart. "Steven and James took Miss. Cuddles and won't give her back."

The young girl stepped into her father's open arms and Tony turned his attention to his son, who was now finding the ground very interesting.

"Steven?" Tony asked his son.

"Yes, dad?" The young boy's voice croaked, never picking his chocolate brown eyes from the floor.

"Did you take Miss. Cuddles without permission?" Tony spoke softly to his son.

"Yes...I'm sorry dad." His son confessed.

"I bet you wouldn't like it if she decided to take your brand new model airplane and ran away from you with it." Tony mused and his son nodded his head sadly.

Tony waited a moment, to let his son ponder on his words, before continuing.

"Alright, jury has a verdict." Tony spoke, his witty humor slowly coming back and Steven's eyes slowly rose up to his. "Judge has requested that you give Miss. Stark her bear back and spend ten minutes simply sitting on the couch doing nothing...both of you." His eyes flickered to the other boy.

"Okay, dad." Steven agreed, liking that it was not as bad as he had thought.

"Why me?" James Wilson cried at the same time.

Though he was a year younger than the Stark twins, he did not hesitate to become best friends with Steve. Without Sam around Sharon spent a lot of time over with them or with Steve, wanting James to have father figures in his life. It broke Tony's heart that James could not have this kind of a relationship with his actual father, but Tony loved the kid and hoped Sam would be proud of his and Rogers' parenting. And Sam would always be with his son for the boy's full name was James Samuel Wilson.

"Because, I bet that if I told your mom what you were doing, you would get a heck of a lot more than ten minutes on the couch." Tony responded, cocking his head to the side lightly.

James grumbled quietly, but sulked over towards the couch in the living room. Steven handed the bear over to his sister, who hugged it tight to her body, and followed his friend.

"Thanks, daddy." Maria mumbled softly, sitting on his knee, and Tony smiled at her.

"Don't mention it, little mermaid." He brushed a strand of his daughter's auburn hair behind her ear. "Next time, remember there is a nerf gun in Stevie's not-so-secret box of treasures."

He smiled as it got a giggle from his daughter.

"Mommy says violence never solves anything." Maria stated as Tony picked her, and his bags, up and walked over towards the kitchen.

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