Chapter 7

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You felt yourself slip out of slumber and into reality. You smiled and without opening your eyes turned over to face your beautiful boyfriend. You furrowed your brows and opened your eyes to the empty space infront of you. You sat up with light pouring from the window behind you. You noticed the door from the bedroom into the hall was open ajar. You smiled thinking Cry had just woken up early and you hobbled into the bathroom.

You walked down the stairs, rubbing your eyes, and looked around.

'Where was Cry?' You thought.

You checked his office, the bathroom, you checked back in the bedroom, the kitchen, and Cry was no where to be found. Finally you just shouted Cry's name and nothing came back in responce. You gave up your search figuring he'd probably went out somewhere. You walked the to the kitchen to check the time, 11:30am.

'Hmm. To late to have breakfast and a little too early to have lunch." You said outloud. You turned away from the cabinets of food and looked out into the family room.

"What to do...what to do...." You said outloud again.

Talking to yourself was a perk but a bad habit all in itself. It usually happened when you found yourself alone and needed room to think outloud. Making your way back upstairs, you walked into your and Cry's room. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a green light blinking. Whipping your head around you saw Cry had left his computer on.

"Strange..." You said in a quiet and curious tone.

You walked over and hesitated before sitting in his very comforatable looking chair. When you sat down you leaned back and melted into the seat.

"Omg i can see why he likes this chair so much!" You said.

Leaning back up you faced the pitch black monitor with a piercing green light sprouting every 2-3 seconds. Wiggling the mouse the computer came to life with vivd colors and light. You went to the camera and started taking pictures, just for fun! Accidentally hitting video, you continued the funnt faces till you froze when you realized it was recording 10 seconds in. You were about to hit stop when an idea popped into your head.

"Why I love Cry..." You started. "I love Cry because before even meeting the guy..for a short while before moving back to Florida I was trapped in this never ending cycle of loops..loops that question who I was..who I wanted to be and become...and I was pretty much going through an existential crisis...but in that crisis Cry gave me something to hold onto..something to remind me of myself. His sense of humor and cheesy jokes during a livestream never failed to make me crack a smile and laugh till I turned red in the face. And this is before I met my beautiful, amazing, and talented boyfriend. When we first met, I had no idea that the cute dork that bumped into me was the same cute dork I watched every Saturday...since meeting him through coincidences only found in fairy tales, I've found nothing but happiness and laugher and love and....I love Cry with my whole heart-I'd be nothing without him-" You stopped as your heard the garage door open. A smile ignited on your face. In utter happiness, you forgot about the video and jumping out of the chair you ran downstairs to meet him...


The red light in the computer screen kept flashing, indicting it was recording. There was a muffled male voice speaking very unbalanced and a female voice in distress. Suddenly there's a march upstairs and in the camera, you appear. Your very fast but unorganized about your movements. You act fast as if to quickly pack things together and you shove a bunch of clothes into a bag. You turn the face the camera...tears stain your cheeks and more follow leaving a trail of mascara down your face. Your face its red like an apple and you look at the camera with disgust and rage. In your eyes there was deep and utter sadness. You quickly pick up the mouse drying the fresh fallen tears from your eyes and the video is stopped.

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