Chapter 6

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Well into January, you checked the calender on the fridge. Cry was in his office filming, of course. You had just moved in and unpacked the last box. Folding the box the best you could, you went outside and tossed it into the recycling bin. You slumped yourself on the couch and let out a huge yawn. You turned on the tv and started to watch but all you could hear was Cry in the  background. You turned the tv just a tad louder not wanting to disturb your boyfriend but it didnt work.

"Dammnit Cry." You mumbled to yourself.

You got up and decided to call Marzia.

"Haayyyyyyy" You said when she picked up.

"Oh my god! ________ its been so long! How are you?" She asked.

"Good. Quick question though: How do you manage to keep quiet when Felix is trying to record?" You asked.

"I just find something to do whether in or outside of the house. I used to garden but that changed when we moved to Flordia. Our house barley has an flowers, let alone a garden! Now I just shop alot. My excuse is for YouTube hauls but if I did that the haul would be 30 minutes long!" Marzia said laughing.

You giggled and asked, "Are there any good stores here? Where do you shop?"

"Girl just let me take you! In fact, Pewds was about to start filming now."

Marzia came to pick you up and out you were. Marzia, being totally different from you in what you thought every aspect, was actually quite similar. Though you had different styles of fashion, your opinions and morals where the same which made for great conversation. You got a text from Cry around 20 minutes after leaving.

Cry: 564-829-28463

You: 'Im out with Marzia! :)'

Cry <3: 'Oh okay just checkin'
'I miss you.'

You: 'Shut up loser its only been like 25 minutes'

Putting your phone away, you refocused your attention on the store Marzia and You were walking into. From the outside it was VERY girly. It had baby pink walls with shelfs full of pastel colored clothes. Racks, out to the side, were decorated with sunglasses, necklaces, and earrings. In the back, they had dresses. Some floral, and some with a pattern or desgin. Marzia insistead that you look around even though it wasnt really you. You, not likeing dresses at all, skipped over the entire back wall and scanned the t-shirts. From what you could see, most where decorated with infinite signs, anchors, and things many 'common white girls' would wear. After searching through the jeans you decided to follow Marzia around the store. She ended up in, of course, the dress section. One by one she looked at each, handing some to you to hold for her. You then followed her to the dressing rooms.

"Here." She said swaping dress piles with you. "Try these on!" She said, giving you a smile.

"Uh I dont do dresses.." You said looking at the pile.

"Nonsense! Every girl needs at least one good dress just in case." Marzia said pushing you to a changing room.

"In case of what-" You were cut off by ber closing the door.

You sighed and locked the door from the inside.

"At least give it a shot..." You said to yourself.

You took your t-shirt off and pulled the first dress. It was a short, sweatheart, purple dress with black and silver beading around the waist. You turned to admire the back as you did with all the dresses. The next was a floor-lenght black dress with a silver band around the waist and on the shoulders. It was made so that the straps hung off your shoulders which confused you at first but looked stunning after you figured it out. Then came a tight green short dress with a sweatheart neckline and blue design on the shirt portion. With the right necklace you thought it would lool great. Last was a pink, tea-lenght dress with white lace around the edge and around the neckline. When you spun, you looked like a ballerina. Removing the last dress you pondered on which to get. You chose the (choose a dress cause yolo) because you thought it looked the best on you. You loved how it made you look thin but extentuated your curves! You walked out of the room placing the remaining three on the hooks.

"I knew you would choose that one!" Marzia said coming up to you. After paying and goofing around a bit, Marzia drove you back home. Waving goodbye to Marzia as she drove off, you fished for your keys in your purse. After picking through them you found your house key and slide it in. Expecting the door to open you found that you had actually locked it.

'Thats funny..I dont remeber leaving it unlocked..' You thought.

You set down your bags and unlocked the door this time and where suprised when you saw little white candles making a path from the door. You smiled and hurried inside. Follwing them you were lead to your room where a note layed on the bed.

It read: Get ready for an unforgettable night!

'What a perfect time to buy a dress...' You thought suspecting Marzia had something to do with this. Unwrapping the dress you slipped it on along with a pair of tights and shoes (of your choice). Opening the door you found that the candles where re-arranged in a different path, leading out to the backyard. It was like in the movies with a star painted sky, moonlight, candles, roses, and all the cute romantic stuff. It was a stary night and Cry had a table set with a white table cloth and plates and silverware. There were short, fresh-cut roses in the middle of the table. You gasped in amazement. How could a twenty-five year old man who cant even handle himself sometimes, do this? Maybe he had some help? Or maybe, just maybe, he was able to pull this off himself. You walked around and quickly took a picture of the setting before hearing the sound of a door from behind open. You felt a warm presence from behind.

"Hello ______." Said a familiar voice. It didnt take 2 seconds to realize it was Cry using his deep, and sexy, voice.

"Heyyy" You said turning your head to meet eyes with the unmasked boy. Pecking him on the lips he moved away and pulled the chair our for you. He looked you up and down.

"Nice dress." He said smiling like a fool.

"One time thing. Just for you." You said smiling back. "Whats all this for anyway?" You said leaning foward and resting your arms on the table.

"What?! Cant i do anything nice for my girlfriend?" He said.

"No no you can just wondering. You should do it more often." You said laughing.

You heard a beeping from inside the house. You looked at the door then back at Cry as a smile painted on his face wipped off.

"Oh shit..." He said getting up in a hurry and opening the door. Before he shut the door you saw smoke coming the kitchen. On instinct you got up and followed him. He was in the kitchen with to oven mits on tring the pry something out of the oven.

"Oh god" You laughed smiling and shaking your head. "This would be a good idea." You said pushing the off button on the oven.

"Thanks babe." Cry said making it easier to pry whatever he was tring to get out, out of the oven.

Cry set a black, chared piece of food on the counter with the pan and the rack on the bottom. He took the gloves off and leandd the the counter.

"This was suppost to be romantic and I just ruined it.." He said looking at the burnt mess.

"Oh dont talk like that!" You said hugging him from behind. "You were off to a good start!"

"I know but I just wanted to do something for you and now look" He said taking a fork from the counter and poking it. 

"We could alwasy order pizza." You said looking ay him.

"Pizza isnt romantic." He said.

"If we ask the pizza guy to cut it into a heart it will be!" You laughed.

"Finnneeeee." He said planting a kiss on your forehead.

Cry left the room to call up a pizza resturant while you where left to clean up his mess. You chuckled to yourself as you looked at what he'd tried so hard to make. You walked it over to the sink and you tried to pull it out from the pan.

'Mental note: Tell Cry to use non-stick greaze when he cooks.'

After a couple minutes of tring to get the thing out Cry walked back into the room.

"What was this suppost to be?" You said leaning on the sink giggling.

"Lasagna..." He said.

"It would of been the best lasagna ever." You said giving him a smile.

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