Chapter twelve

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Mary and Ezra were ecstatic when they found a lone kitty cat in the bushes.

"Ezra look at the kitty, it has brown eyes like me!" Mary exclaimed as she gave the small tuxedo cat a cuddle. Ezra thought the cat was cute as well and couldn't resist petting the kitty. However the second he did, a strange feeling went through his body. He wasn't sure what it was but he was certain that he loved the kitty. So when Mary suggested they take her inside so they could keep her, he agreed.

"I don't think she likes the water," Ezra said as he watched Mary scrub the cat with soap and water in the sink.

"But I have to get her clean so Mommy will let us keep her," Mary said and right at that moment Kristina walked into the kitchen. Thinking fast Mary and Ezra hid the cat behind them so Kristina couldn't see it.

"There you two what are you doing?" Kristina asked.

"Nothing Auntie Kristina," Ezra lied and as soon as he said that the cat behind him sneezed.

"Bless you," Kristina said, starting to get suspicious of them.

"Thank you," they replied in unison. Kristina gave them a look as now she knew they were hiding something.

"Are you two hiding something from me?" Kristina asked but they both shook their heads in denial. Right at that moment the cat decided to meow and since she had great ears Kristina heard it.

"Now tell me which one of you just meowed," Kristina said as she walked over to the sink and saw the cat dripping with water. "Mary, Ezra what is a cat doing in my kitchen?' She asked as she picked up the cat.

"Can we keep her mommy?" Mary asked.

"She was outside alone crying," Ezra added in and just as Kristina was about to say no. The kitty meowed at her and her animal lover side couldn't resist.

"Oh you're so cute but cats take a lot of responsibility, you have to feed them, clean them and play with them," Kristina said petting the top of the cat's head. It hissed a bit but she didn't notice. "I'll have to talk to Daddy about it, but for now the answer is yes," Kristina answered and the children were delighted. They ran back outside and Kristina placed the cat down expecting her to follow but she didn't. In fact the cat looked back at her and hissed, she held her hands up thinking that the cat didn't like being touched but the next thing she knew the cat pounced on her face. She wrestled with the animal until she managed to get it off her face.

"What kind of cat are you?" Kristina asked confused as to why the animal attacked her.

"One that dislikes you," the cat declared and before Kristina could ask questions the cat changed into a woman. Kristina recognized her immediately, it was her ex best friend Danielle.

"You," Kristina said with hatred dripping from her voice.

"That's correct and I see you haven't changed a bit," she said flipping her pink and black braided hair into Kristina's face."Still obsessed with animals," she declared.

"I see you haven't changed either," Kristina responded, crossing her arms. "Trying to make everything you do seem like a joke and you can't see how hurtful it is," she continued.

"I was your friend Kristina, don't you remember?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah I do but then you broke ties with me over text," Kristina responded. The memory from that day was still fresh in her head.

"No I said I wanted to be just friends, not best friends and you responded by breaking up with me!" Danielle yelled.

"Can you blame me? You have no idea how much you hurt me that day!" Kristina yelled back.

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