Chapter twenty three

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"How are we going to save the day? If we don't even know where to find our dad's?" Ezra asked. He was almost overwhelmed with how much faith his mother and Aunt seemed to have in him. Mary was no better, the most impressive thing she had done today was make Evan fly across the room somehow. Which mattered a lot less now since Lucifer had killed him along with Jonathan and the witches right after he was brought back.

"Ezra is right, we don't know what to do," Mary pointed out.

"I'll take you to them," Castiel said as he appeared behind the Winchesters.

"Cass it's so good to see you," Kristina said and unexpectedly hugged the angel.

"Um thanks?" Castiel said in confusion as he stiffened at the feel of Kristina hugging him.

"Do you know where they are?" Shela asked.

"The Devil's tramping ground," Castiel responded as Kristina pulled away. "That's where the battle will take place,"

"Because that's where they battled the first time, except it was in the sky," Kristina said remembering that from the story she had heard many times.

"Then what are we waiting for," Mary said. "We need to get our fathers back!"

"Let's go," Castiel said as he helped teleport everyone to the devil's tramping ground. Upon arrival Ezra and Mary ran into the forest and made their way to the battle location. Shela and Kristina followed into the forest. Michael and Lucifer were about to attack each other with their angel blades but were suddenly tossed backwards into trees.

"What the devil?" Says Lucifer as he hadn't felt that type of force before.

"Surprise you feathery dicks!" Ezra called out.

"Yeah what he said," Mary responded.

"Okay who let the rugrats into this battle?" Lucifer said as he got up from the ground.

"Did you forget to lock the door on them little brother?" Michael asked equally as annoyed.

"Sam! Dean!" Shela yelled as she and Kristina ran onto the battlefield. "Fight back!"

"Okay this is ridiculous," Says Lucifer as he flung his hand sending Kristina and Shela into a tree knocking them out. "Those two have always been a pain in the ass,"

"Mom!" Ezra and Mary yelled at the same time.

"This fight doesn't concern you kids, stay out of it," Michael ordered.

"It does concern us!" Mary yelled "You feathery sons of bitches! You hurt our mothers and you're controlling our fathers!" She made an angel blade appear in her hand.

"Great just what we need another Sam and Dean Winchester," Lucifer complained as he tried to fling the teenagers just like they did their mothers but nothing seemed to work. "What? how?"

"Apparently you're not familiar with how powerful we are," Ezra sneered as his eyes glowed amber and sent Michael flying a few feet backwards.

"How dare you use your powers on the likes of me? I am an archangel!" Michael yelled his eyes flashing blue.

"Because it's who I am, I am a Winchester and a hunter," Ezra said. "And the one that will defeat you," Ezra made his angel blade appear as he fought against Michael.

"Foolish mortal killing me, isn't going to bring your father back, he is gone," Michael declared.

"We'll see about that," Ezra said as he pushed Michael against a tree and suddenly found himself reciting lines that he didn't know he knew. "Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco!" Michael felt the chant infect him immediately and the pain was unbearable.

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