Exhausted Pt. 1

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Minnie's pov

I woke up feeling extremely tired and worn out for some reason, but I shook it off since we were getting ready for a comeback. Our new album, "Dark and Wild" was coming out soon so we were busy preparing the comeback performance which wasn't too far away. I dressed in gray leggings, a long black shirt, and black and white converse. I didn't bother doing any kind of makeup, so all I really did was brush out my hair. My hair color had been changed from its original brown to a similar color to Taehyung's color since both my stylists and I liked the color of his hair. I put half of my hair up and left the other half down, slipping on one of Jimin's sweatshirts and headed out of the room I shared with Jungkook. Just as I left the room, I bumped into a grumpy Jungkook who was just coming out of the bathroom. He was fully dressed and his hair seemed wet, so he must have just washed it. "What are you staring at?" Jungkook snapped, making me look at him in slight shock. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." He just scoffed and brushed past me, heading into the room and I sighed as the door closed behind me. I shook my head, heading down the hallway, and into the dining area. "Morning." I greeted Namjoon and Hoseok, who was already sitting at the table and dressed for practice. "Morning," Hoseok gave me a warm smile, which I gave him a small one in return. "You feeling alright, Minnie?" Namjoon asked, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" I questioned, taking my seat. "You look tired. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said, giving me a small smile and I returned. "There's no need to worry, oppa. I'm fine." He gave me a nod, taking a sip of his drink as Jin came out of the kitchen with several plates of food. "Morning, my little one." He greeted, placing a plate in front of me and gave me a chaste kiss on the top of my head. "Morning, oppa." Once Jimin and Taehyung were seated, Jungkook and Yoongi were the last to the table and Jungkook still seemed to be in a grumpy mood. Since I sat in between Jungkook and Taehyung, I felt all the grumpiness radiating off of him. I ate my food peacefully, wondering just exactly why Jungkook seemed so grumpy but I knew better than to bother him when he was like that. It wasn't long before we all headed out to the agency, it also certainly didn't take long for Jungkook to nearly start an argument with Jimin. The first choreography we were going to be practicing was Danger, which was our title track. I honestly loved this song, mainly because of the bad boy concept. Since I was the only girl in the group, when it came down to filming for our MV, I had to act differently than the boys and bring out the more innocent but hurt side of me. It was a new concept to me, so it took a while for me to get out of my comfort zone. Danger's choreography was one of the harder choreographies, but I honestly loved it.

The music started and we got into our places but for some reason, I was missing each step and somehow ended up tripping over myself. The first time it happened, I ended up tripping and falling into Jimin. He immediately disregarded it, not giving me a hard time as I kept apologizing to him. As we kept going, I couldn't properly get all the steps down and I could feel a huge headache coming on.

"Come on Minnie, Focus. I literally taught this to you for more than one day." Hoseok scolded, "I'm sorry. I'll do better." I apologized, which only made Jungkook scoff. I ignored him, apologizing again to the other members and dance practice resumed. After several more times of me bumping into Jimin, tripping over myself, and accidentally stepping on Namjoon's foot, I finally got the moves down much to everyone else's dismay. I could tell that they were highly annoyed with me, especially because of how many times I was messing up but it wasn't intentional. I felt as if my own body was betraying me, but I didn't want to tell them that. That would only set us back in what we need to do to get ready for this comeback, I was not about to be the reason why we were set back. By the time we were doing the last run of Danger, I managed to trip and fall right onto Jungkook who immediately blew up afterward when Hoseok stopped the music.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Jungkook shouted, making me flinch as I shakily stood up to my feet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you."

"What's wrong with you, huh? The whole time we've been here, you've done nothing but screw up the routine over and over again!! Why the hell are you slacking so damn much?! Huh?"

"Jungkook, you need to calm down." Namjoon said calmly, but Jungkook didn't listen to him.


Tears formed in my eyes, as I stared at Jungkook, who was absolutely seething as he looked down at me.

"JUNGKOOK, THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Jin raised his voice, making the others flinch.

"I--- I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to mess up so much.." I spoke lowly, tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared at the ground. Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes, and stomped out of the dance practice room making Jin sigh. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin all went after him while Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jimin stayed with me. When they left, the room became extremely silent.

"I'm sorry if I'm such a burden... I didn't mean to mess up the steps... I'm sorry." I sniffled, I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Minnie... Minnie, look at me." I shook my head, staring at the ground as tears blurred my vision. Someone stepped in front of me, but I couldn't see the shoes because of my tears. "Minnie," A hand found its way under my chin, lifting my head up to meet their eyes. Yoongi stood in front of me, his eyes softly staring into my teary ones. "You were never a burden. You aren't a burden and don't you ever think that. Pd-nim put you with us for a reason and I believe it's because he wanted to see your potential and how much more you can grow. You are one of the most hard-working young idols I have ever known and I know for a fact that you are capable of doing so much more. Do not let that idiot tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" I nodded, sniffling as Yoongi wiped away my tears. Taehyung and Jimin immediately brought me into a hug, wiping away my tears and kissing the top of my head. It wasn't long before Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok had come back to the practice room with Jungkook trailing behind them.

"Apologize to Minnie," Jin said.


"No?" Jin raised an eyebrow at his behavior.

"It's fine, Oppa. Let's just get on with the next song." Jin sent me a knowing look, before sighing and signaled for Hoseok to start the music. For Blanket Kick, I started out being in between Taehyung and Jimin when we first came out. When Namjoon starts his part, I stayed in between Jimin and Taehyung as we were in the back and once he started on the next few lines, I moved to the front in between Yoongi and Jin before having to move to the back. For some reason halfway into the song, I started to feel extremely weak and tired. My vision blurred, as my legs and arms started to feel like jelly but I tried to shake off the feeling and continue. I took one step and my body instantly betrayed me, as I felt my eyes close and the last thing I saw was Yoongi's sneakers.

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