Five : Helena

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I woke up bright and early this morning. Today was a school day but it was also the day Bethany and I leave for Paris!

We were instructed to head straight to the airport instead of school so my parents drove us there and Brayden and Hannah caught the bus.

"Remember the rules." My mom reminded us. Bethany rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Yes. I remember, we've gone over them every chance you had."

"Beth?" My mom double checked.

"No, mom, I haven't been told them at all." She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes again. Sarcasm is literally her bestfriend. Sometimes I hate her attitude, it makes her look and seem fake. And she's not fake at all, she's just scared but whenever I confront her about it — which isn't very often because she's rude when people call her out — she just gets mad and blocks me out even more.

As soon as I got to the gate, Skylar and Layla attacked me; literally. I said goodbye to my parents and Bethany ran off to her friends. We still had half an hour before they'd call us to board the plane so I just hung out with the girls... and Weston.

"On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you?" I questioned.

"Girl, is that even a question?" Skylar asked. Well I was for sure stoked! I mean who wouldn't be? While the rest of the group chatted away, I found myself looking around. I don't know who or what for but I was.


There was just something I had to find. Something I needed to see or someone that I needed to check on. My eyes landed on Bethany and she was fine so my eyes kept searching. I stood up on my tip toes and let me eyes wander.


"What?" I asked. They interrupted my search.

"Who are you looking for? We called your name four times." Layla informed.

"I don't know. What did you need?"

"We were asking what's going on between you and Peter." Skylar explained.

"I- we're just friends. I can make new friends."

"Yeah but what you have with him is not a just friends relationship."

"You guys read way too much into things. Sometimes people meet other people and they become friends. It's part of life."

"Okayy. Whatever you say."

"Thank you." I said before turning around to go get a snack from one of these little shops. I decided on sour candies because I needed to taste something a little more strong than just grape and green apple.

"Hey Helena." I jumped a little at the sudden voice but then quickly recovered.

"Oh, hey Peter." I responded and turned back to pay the cashier. "Thank you."

He grabbed a snack as well and then payed before talking to me again. "What do you want to do first thing when we get there?" He asked as we started to walk back.

"Probably unpack some of my stuff in my resort room," I chuckled. "I don't know, I've always wanted to see the Eiffel tower. Especially at night when the city is all lit up and the stars are out, hanging above the city, adding more lights to the night sky."

"I've wanted to see the Eiffel Tower before — not as bad as you I'm sure — but I've never thought of it that way." By now we were about back to the rest of the class and we had turned to face each other. When I had turned, though, I saw my friends out of the corner eye looking at me with the 'really' look. We just stood there for a minute studying each other.

"So uh... I'll see you later?" I awkwardly asked.

"Yep." And just like that we parted ways.

"Flight 247 is boarding in two minutes. Flight 247 is boarding in two minutes." The intercom person announced.

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